16-Year-Old Girl Arrested and Charged With a Felony For Science Project Mistake

We Ready

The Malarkey Cutter
Apr 30, 2012
It wasnt an explosive device, a$$hole, it was a science experiment clearly in line with her studies. This wasnt a prank. No property was damaged. She is a great student, and even the principal is outraged over having to expel her, let alone introduce criminal charges. If the principal felt there was malice involved, why wouldnt he or she be in support of the punishment?

Now please provide us with examples of white students being charged with felonies for experiments that were clearly science related, you annoying piece of sht.


While I totally agree that she shouldn't be charged with anything or expelled, the "science project" she was doing wasn't something assigned to her by the school. She probably should have just done this experiment at home.


Jul 15, 2012

While I totally agree that she shouldn't be charged with anything or expelled, the "science project" she was doing wasn't something assigned to her by the school. She probably should have just done this experiment at home.

That I can agree with. It was assigned by the school and she got the products from home so she should have keep/done it at home.

Metta World Movement

Peace and love...to all!!
May 5, 2012
It was a mistake.

mis·take [mi-steyk] Show IPA noun, verb, mis·took, mis·tak·en, mis·tak·ing.
an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.

It was an error in action and judgement caused by poor reasoning. This is the textbook definition of mistake. She did something wrong. It was a mistake. She does not deserve to have her entire future ruined over a mistake. The punishment does not fit the mistake whether she is black, white, yellow, green, or blue.

The statement about no one saying she shouldn't be punished is just reiterating the fact that everyone is simply saying the punishment does not fit the crime. My post didn't say you said that (show me where I said you said that...I didn't). That was me stating my opinion about the overall tone of the thread. We don't feel like the punishment fits the crime. You do...again probably because she IS black (you are probably doing what you are accusing other people of doing...)

Thank you for explaining exactly what type of 'mistake' you personally believe it was, even though nobody asked :huhldup:

And it doesn't matter how anyone feels about the punishment; the school's rules are set. The law is set. When incidents like this happen, then people go to the rules and the law to deal with the person who broke them. If she broke the school rules then she should be punished accordingly by the school. If she committed a felony then she should be arrested and charged accordingly by law enforcement. It's a simple process, really. If the punishment happens to be set as expulsion and being charged with a felony, then so be it :yeshrug:. It's not like she's denying what happened; she admitted that she did it. Straightforward case.

And no, everyone is not simply saying 'the punishment does not fit the crime'; that's not all they're saying. They're also suggesting that the reason she's being punished in a certain way is because she's black. The posts are right there for everyone else to see for themselves. I didn't imagine it, I didn't assume it, the replies are right there. I simply responded to that. If you don't personally think skin color has anything to do with it then fine, but speak for yourself because there are other people saying more things than you are saying. The overall tone of the thread is more than you're suggesting it is.

Meanwhile, you choose to believe that I "probably" feel the girl deserves the punishment because she's black. I don't know where the hell that came from…….and quite frankly, I don't care to know why you choose to believe that

And then you call me a c00n and a dumbass.....I'm not interested in name-calling; it's not that serious :whoa:; although I'll admit those words indicate to me that you're "probably" on your period. Therefore, I'll end this conversation, since I have no interest in speaking to what just might be an irrational, leaking female. :huhldup: Good day, madam.

It wasnt an explosive device, a$$hole, it was a science experiment clearly in line with her studies. This wasnt a prank. No property was damaged. She is a great student, and even the principal is outraged over having to expel her, let alone introduce criminal charges. If the principal felt there was malice involved, why wouldnt he or she be in support of the punishment?

Now please provide us with examples of white students being charged with felonies for experiments that were clearly science related, you annoying piece of sht.


Again with the name-calling :snoop:

You say it wasn't an explosive device.......yet the device exploded :heh:

You can sugarcoat it all you want, make it look like she was a curious Einstein in the making......but at the end of the day, the fact is she still set off an explosive device on school property

That girl had no business conducting unauthorized "science experiments" without adult supervision, and on school property. What if she hurt herself or someone else?

And in reference to examples of white students in similar situations....hey, if you're too lazy too Google then why should I do the work for you? :manny:

The info is out there; it's not hard to find.......


Jul 15, 2012
Thank you for explaining exactly what type of 'mistake' you personally believe it was, even though nobody asked :huhldup:

And it doesn't matter how anyone feels about the punishment; the school's rules are set. The law is set. When incidents like this happen, then people go to the rules and the law to deal with the person who broke them. If she broke the school rules then she should be punished accordingly by the school. If she committed a felony then she should be arrested and charged accordingly by law enforcement. It's a simple process, really. If the punishment happens to be set as expulsion and being charged with a felony, then so be it :yeshrug:. It's not like she's denying what happened; she admitted that she did it. Straightforward case.

And no, everyone is not simply saying 'the punishment does not fit the crime'; that's not all they're saying. They're also suggesting that the reason she's being punished in a certain way is because she's black. The posts are right there for everyone else to see for themselves. I didn't imagine it, I didn't assume it, the replies are right there. I simply responded to that. If you don't personally think skin color has anything to do with it then fine, but speak for yourself because there are other people saying more things than you are saying. The overall tone of the thread is more than you're suggesting it is.

Meanwhile, you choose to believe that I "probably" feel the girl deserves the punishment because she's black. I don't know where the hell that came from…….and quite frankly, I don't care to know why you choose to believe that

And then you call me a c00n and a dumbass.....I'm not interested in name-calling; it's not that serious :whoa:; although I'll admit those words indicate to me that you're "probably" on your period. Therefore, I'll end this conversation, since I have no interest in speaking to what just might be an irrational, leaking female. :huhldup: Good day, madam.

Again with the name-calling :snoop:

You say it wasn't an explosive device.......yet the device exploded :heh:

You can sugarcoat it all you want, make it look like she was a curious Einstein in the making......but at the end of the day, the fact is she still set off an explosive device on school property

That girl had no business conducting unauthorized "science experiments" without adult supervision, and on school property. What if she hurt herself or someone else?

And in reference to examples of white students in similar situations....hey, if you're too lazy too Google then why should I do the work for you? :manny:

The info is out there; it's not hard to find.......

I was simply providing you with a definition of the word mistake since you clearly didn't know what it meant (that wasn't what I thought...it came from the dictionary. Her actions were the dictionary definition of a mistake). Also, please don't act like you aren't one of the most ignorant people on this board. It has nothing to do with the period that I am not on.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012

While I totally agree that she shouldn't be charged with anything or expelled, the "science project" she was doing wasn't something assigned to her by the school. She probably should have just done this experiment at home.

With all due respect, aint nobody tryin to hear this sht. You cant challenge a 16 y/o decision making process, when the adults that we put in charge to educate and protect the populous at large are showing far worse judgement. She did nothing wrong, and yet they are attempting to ruin this child's life.

@DaygoTaco nailed it, and this example is symptomatic of America at large, in the way this country is oriented around treating people of color like animals who need to be caged. The powers that be saw an opportunity to put a young black person into the system, and severely compromise her quality of life, and they are going for it with full gusto.

School is an environment for learning, and thats all this girl was doing. We love to stereotype and demean black women as being hoodrats, ghetto, drama queens, and here this girl is simply being intellectually curious, and they turn it into "Hey this niqqer is making a bomb, lets put her in prison".

@Mr. Movement

Where are those countless examples you were talking about of white students being charged with felonies over science experiments. Thats all I want from you.
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Apex Predator
Aug 19, 2012
In The Thunder and Rain

While I totally agree that she shouldn't be charged with anything or expelled, the "science project" she was doing wasn't something assigned to her by the school. She probably should have just done this experiment at home.


The charges are BS imo, but when I was her age I was well aware of what I could and couldn't get away with. Especially in comparison to YTs.

Should've just conducted her Al Qaeda training at the crib :youngsabo:


May 1, 2012
You expect something asinine like this to happen under a Bush administration :pacspit:


Apr 19, 2013
It's sad. Kids are now being arrested for doing things that kids do, experiment. Her life will be forever changed. This school to prison pipeline is no joke and neither is the way the police have used their discretion in deciding who to arrest.


May 1, 2012
Now why would a black girl make a bomb? :comeon:

if a black girl is mixing some chemicals it's either for school or something to put in her head for that good hurr.