16-Year-Old Girl Arrested and Charged With a Felony For Science Project Mistake

Metta World Movement

Peace and love...to all!!
May 5, 2012
Thread title is misleading

It wasn't a 'science project' - at least not one that was school-related. They're already saying no teacher assigned her to do that shyt.

And she clearly knew what she was doing when mixing those things. She knew the result that she was expecting - which is why she did it outside

Rules are rules. If the school says the appropriate punishment for that is expulsion then who are we to argue? If you don't like the rules then take action to change them.....but don't break them WHILE they're still in effect and then complain when you get caught up.....it's like idiots who complain about getting time for drugs when they knew damn well what the law was while selling/using it

I'd really like to see someone argue against expulsion being an appropriate punishment for setting off an explosive device on school property......I'd like to see the progress that person makes :myspotnash:

And y'all are acting like it's unusual to arrest/charge a student for something like this :wtf:.......this ain't nothing new. You see stories all the time about dumb kids setting off bombs in school as a prank (usually in the restroom) and getting expelled and charged for it. The only reason why y'all bytchin' now is because a black girl got caught up for once......if someone posted one of the MANY stories of a white kid getting expelled and arrested for minor chemical explosives, thread would be filled with "cacs gonna cac :yeshrug:"

She's 16.....her stupid ass is old enough to know better then to mess with shyt like that....... especially fresh off of what happened in Boston


Jul 15, 2012
Thread title is misleading

It wasn't a 'science project' - at least not one that was school-related. They're already saying no teacher assigned her to do that shyt.

And she clearly knew what she was doing when mixing those things. She knew the result that she was expecting - which is why she did it outside

Rules are rules. If the school says the appropriate punishment for that is expulsion then who are we to argue? If you don't like the rules then take action to change them.....but don't break them WHILE they're still in effect and then complain when you get caught up.....it's like idiots who complain about getting time for drugs when they knew damn well what the law was while selling/using it

I'd really like to see someone argue against expulsion being an appropriate punishment for setting off an explosive device on school property......I'd like to see the progress that person makes :myspotnash:

And y'all are acting like it's unusual to arrest/charge a student for something like this :wtf:.......this ain't nothing new. You see stories all the time about dumb kids setting off bombs in school as a prank (usually in the restroom) and getting expelled and charged for it. The only reason why y'all bytchin' now is because a black girl got caught up for once......if someone posted one of the MANY stories of a white kid getting expelled and arrested for minor chemical explosives, thread would be filled with "cacs gonna cac :yeshrug:"

She's 16.....her stupid ass is old enough to know better then to mess with shyt like that....... especially fresh off of what happened in Boston

No dumbass. I would feel the same way if any 16 year old was charged with an adult felony (and would potentially lose any chance of federal financial aid) over a mistake that did not harm anyone...especially if they were an otherwise good student. Your c00n ass probably only feels like the punishment fits the crime because she is a black girl. I don't see anyone in here saying she shouldn't be punished at all. So please get off your freaking high horse.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
I don't understand why she's being charged with a felony. I can understand the expulsion by why a felony and why as an adult?


Jul 15, 2012
She probably made a works bomb, those things are fukkin destructive.

Multiple science teachers who commented on the Huffington Post article thought what she did was harmless and that any good science teacher would have already tested MULTIPLE chemical reactions (such as this one) WITH the students. They felt it was a part of learning science. Interesting.

Metta World Movement

Peace and love...to all!!
May 5, 2012
No dumbass. I would feel the same way if any 16 year old was charged with an adult felony (and would potentially lose any chance of federal financial aid) over a mistake that did not harm anyone...especially if they were an otherwise good student. Your c00n ass probably only feels like the punishment fits the crime because she is a black girl. I don't see anyone in here saying she shouldn't be punished at all. So please get off your freaking high horse.

When did I say that people were saying she shouldn' be punished at all? I didn't.

However, people were suggesting that her skin color was the reason why she was expelled and charged.....even though white students have been expelled and charged (some with felonies) for doing similar shyt at a school before; a simple Google search will reveal that to anyone who isn't aware. So no, her situation isn't unique and her punishment isn't so unusual, despite what the coli militants want to believe

And y'all keep using this word 'mistake' as if she didn't know what she was doing, or didn't know what to expect. :comeon: Again, that's not the case here

head shots101

North Bronx Blocks!!!
May 1, 2012
Bronx Blocks
That felony charge hurts man...Black and have a F on her record

Damn they charged her as an adult b?


Jul 15, 2012
When did I say that people were saying she shouldn' be punished at all? I didn't.

However, people were suggesting that her skin color was the reason why she was expelled and charged.....even though white students have been expelled and charged (some with felonies) for doing similar shyt at a school before; a simple Google search will reveal that to anyone who isn't aware. So no, her situation isn't unique and her punishment isn't so unusual, despite what the coli militants want to believe

And y'all keep using this word 'mistake' as if she didn't know what she was doing, or didn't know what to expect. :comeon: Again, that's not the case here

It was a mistake.

mis·take [mi-steyk] Show IPA noun, verb, mis·took, mis·tak·en, mis·tak·ing.
an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.

It was an error in action and judgement caused by poor reasoning. This is the textbook definition of mistake. She did something wrong. It was a mistake. She does not deserve to have her entire future ruined over a mistake. The punishment does not fit the mistake whether she is black, white, yellow, green, or blue.

The statement about no one saying she shouldn't be punished is just reiterating the fact that everyone is simply saying the punishment does not fit the crime. My post didn't say you said that (show me where I said you said that...I didn't). That was me stating my opinion about the overall tone of the thread. We don't feel like the punishment fits the crime. You do...again probably because she IS black (you are probably doing what you are accusing other people of doing...)

basement door

it's all mine
Jan 29, 2013
a whole new world
Kill all the racism claims you fake Michael Evans nikkas
I had a CAC kid put out of my school for making a ninja throwing star in sheet metal shop

King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Executive Chair Of The West

and i bet the boston terrorist did the same project in school and he probably won all kind of awards..

But i'm not shock with the news that's coming out of florida. they still waiting on the trayvon martin case to go on trial


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Thread title is misleading

It wasn't a 'science project' - at least not one that was school-related. They're already saying no teacher assigned her to do that shyt.

And she clearly knew what she was doing when mixing those things. She knew the result that she was expecting - which is why she did it outside

Rules are rules. If the school says the appropriate punishment for that is expulsion then who are we to argue? If you don't like the rules then take action to change them.....but don't break them WHILE they're still in effect and then complain when you get caught up.....it's like idiots who complain about getting time for drugs when they knew damn well what the law was while selling/using it

I'd really like to see someone argue against expulsion being an appropriate punishment for setting off an explosive device on school property......I'd like to see the progress that person makes :myspotnash:

And y'all are acting like it's unusual to arrest/charge a student for something like this :wtf:.......this ain't nothing new. You see stories all the time about dumb kids setting off bombs in school as a prank (usually in the restroom) and getting expelled and charged for it. The only reason why y'all bytchin' now is because a black girl got caught up for once......if someone posted one of the MANY stories of a white kid getting expelled and arrested for minor chemical explosives, thread would be filled with "cacs gonna cac :yeshrug:"

She's 16.....her stupid ass is old enough to know better then to mess with shyt like that....... especially fresh off of what happened in Boston

It wasnt an explosive device, a$$hole, it was a science experiment clearly in line with her studies. This wasnt a prank. No property was damaged. She is a great student, and even the principal is outraged over having to expel her, let alone introduce criminal charges. If the principal felt there was malice involved, why wouldnt he or she be in support of the punishment?

Now please provide us with all these examples of white students being charged with felonies for experiments that were clearly science related, you annoying piece of sht.
