So much ignorance.
Black director. Black writer. And a true story.
But carry on.
And Armond White is a plague on film criticism. This isn't the first time he's heckled people at awards shows either. He's is, like Roger Ebert said, nothing more than a troll using his wildly contrarian reviews to promote himself.
I would love to seem him review a film BEFORE he reads others reviews of it or has any feel for the buzz surrounding it. Every review he writes anymore read like responses to other critics reviews. fukk him

You not putting me on any type of game breh, I know that the director is a black man, as well as the writer. I understand it's based on a true story. With all that said,its not a "black" movie in my eyes. And I had the views I had on this movie before this incident. I don't know who Armond White is and could care less. His opinion doesn't affect mine. I don't need to heckle Steve McQueen, not supporting the movie is good enough for me.
So there is nothing ignorant about the way I am carrying on. I understand all of the facts at hand and I feel the way I feel. Don't confuse someone having a difference in opinion as being ignorant. People can and will have different views.
I refuse to support some shyt like this for my own reasons, not because the opinion of another man. I 'm not a follower breh.
Listen idiot. No one is advocating AGAINST reading books. All were saying is that ITS OKAY TO SUPPORT MOVIES ABOUT SLAVERY IF THEIR ACCURATE AND DONE WELL. I read extensively, and rarely watch TV. However, when good media is released, we must support it. This will definitely be a Blu-Ray purchase for me no doubt.
Its obvious that a movie that depicts the harsh realities of slavery in such a raw and visceral manner can make you feel some type of way, be you white or black. This fear of dealing with the realities of slavery and racism in this country is part of the reason were so dysfuncitonal as a nation now. If both whites and blacks quit being scared bytches and start dealing with slavery and its repercussions on the African-American people, perhaps healing can occur.
Running from subjects that evoke strong emotions is cowardly breh.
First of all, watch your fukking tone lil buddy. I'm in here giving out my opinion on why I don't support these recent movies that show black people in subservient positions. I'm not in here calling people c00ns or shyt like that, and not once have I disrespected another poster discussing this shyt. I think I even dapped your post in another thread about this where you were saying how the younger filmmakers needed to be more on their independent shyt. That's because I know how to have a civil conversation without reverting to insults. That calling people idiot shyt gotta
That shyt is childish and immature. We are speaking on a serious subject. You need to articulate your self in a manner that is not disrespectful to others, and not revert to name calling tactics. A lot of people in here dropping knowledge for both sides of the argument, I don't think any of us or idiots.
Now, I strongly disagree with the opinion of some people in this thread, as I'm sure you do, but we can continue to agree to disagree without throwing shots at each other.
Now, to respond to rest of your post. The reason why I refuse to support this film is not because I'm scared

The Eyes On The Prize docs I posted had some harsh scenes in it as well. And these type of films don't evoke strong emotions in me. I already know my history, Hollywood can't put me up on game. It's not like I would go see 12 Years a Slave, and want to kill somebody, or be all sad for month. I'm not that type of dude. I just think it's pointless to go see The Help, The Butler, 12 Years a Slave, Django without any type of movies that show us in a positive light or in powerful roles to balance it out.
I will say it again. All the black movies with "buzz" or award consideration recently, have been the aforementioned films. That's not cool at all.