How would this work in large urban centers like manhattan and Chicago? Let's folllow the logical conclusion here. You may have mentioned it but what do you view the role of government.Society can most definitely exist without without the threat of force of a group of elites, and in general people generally find ways to work with each other and keep a peace, typically your laws and roads developed before there was a state as well, we saw this with the native american tribes having clearings and roadways that the white europeans seemed to think appeared by magic. That said I'm of the opinion that relaying on the old tradition of praising of violence and kings or oligarchs is just a cover, it isn't neccesary to function in society and we see that everyday in jobs (organizations built up, heirachy built up, rules either accepted or rejected and party leaving) we see it in religious communities Mormons or Minnanites or Amish, you see it all the time, spontaneous order, and the services that you would say aid in keeping the peace or enablihg trade, I think could be performed commercially.
Are you advocating American society regresses to small clusters of rural towns?