this was not standard brock, wtf are you talking about, he hasnt sold like this since goldberg, even when he lost to roman it took an outside distraction, he straight up dominated everyone else. Brock hasnt looked this much in trouble in a long time. you are biased
I never once believed that AJ was going to beat Lesnar, in my memory that was more of a squash than this.. it looked like AJ got in a few moves and gave it all he had but brock was way to big and strong for it to have any effect on him.
This year bryan told an amazing story of how he had a trick up his sleeve to steal a win,
he basically did the rope a dope and waited for an opening and then he went off. that moment when he had him in the yes lock looked like brock was about to tap, especially after Bryan worked the knee all match. It was match of the night cause it had a clean finish and it told a hell of a story. You are tripping, you must not like brock or bryan and are being biased, maybe you were in a bad mood idk but you are crazy to have not been impressed witht that match.
so yea
your opinion of it being a squash or disapointing or whatever negative connotation you are trying to attach to this