at the clean sweep and openly laughing at, ignoring, and saying the pre-show match didn't count
Seth/Nak was trash. Seth lost all the juice he had going into WM, Nak continues to put on half assed disappointments.
Women's match had stupid booking all around.
Bar/AOP was fine, but The Bar are so stale, and good luck having Drake taken seriously as a face GM Tuesday nights after pissing his pants in fear.
Ali/Murphy cruiserweights finally got on the main show and tore it down
Raw vs Smackdown again had stupid booking all around, but that's what happens when half the match has dudes that need months off to recover from injuries and surgeries. Shane pinning Dolph again
Ron/Charlotte was a big test for Ronda, who didn't get a month of lead time to lay out and work on a match, and Charlotte is a lot more physical than anyone else. Plus having to make up for the lack of Becky...but she passed. Match was fire. The beat down
Couldn't believe Brock/Bryan turned into a real match. First time since he came back that Bryan really felt like Bryan again. American Dragon is back . Easily Brock's best match since last year's SS against AJ.
Seth/Nak was trash. Seth lost all the juice he had going into WM, Nak continues to put on half assed disappointments.
Women's match had stupid booking all around.
Bar/AOP was fine, but The Bar are so stale, and good luck having Drake taken seriously as a face GM Tuesday nights after pissing his pants in fear.
Ali/Murphy cruiserweights finally got on the main show and tore it down
Raw vs Smackdown again had stupid booking all around, but that's what happens when half the match has dudes that need months off to recover from injuries and surgeries. Shane pinning Dolph again
Ron/Charlotte was a big test for Ronda, who didn't get a month of lead time to lay out and work on a match, and Charlotte is a lot more physical than anyone else. Plus having to make up for the lack of Becky...but she passed. Match was fire. The beat down
Couldn't believe Brock/Bryan turned into a real match. First time since he came back that Bryan really felt like Bryan again. American Dragon is back . Easily Brock's best match since last year's SS against AJ.