You actually make some really good points. I said it on Thursday that this is why WWE can't write for babyface characters anymore, because they are all portrayed like goofy, smiling idiots with no actual personality. But I thought Ronda was over. She sounded comfortable on the mic, she got the reaction they were looking for every time, and when she's needed to, she's been about that action. Let's not forget the night after Money in the Bank where she went psycho or when she ran down the Bellas. They've gotten some great edgy face moments out of her to balance out the white meat stuff.
But I don't know. I guess you're right. There's no way any crowd, no matter the location, would cheer for what Charlotte did unless they were absolutely sick of the other character. Especially considering that Charlotte has been public enemy number one for months, and she was replacing the woman that was supposed to fight Ronda in the first place.
I guess the crowd was trying to tell the WWE something last night, but it was still jarring how they cheered for someone getting their throat crushed.
This makes a lot of sense. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was what they planned in the first place. It would have gotten the point across even more that Ronda is done as a babyface if she was opposite Becky, since she's hotter than fish grease on a New York sidewalk in July. It's just harder to see since they plugged Charlotte into it. It's almost like the crowd forgot what's been happening the last few months.