Just watched Dark Knight again
It will always be Marvel gang but this movie a top 10 movie of all time in any genre.
It will always be Marvel gang but this movie a top 10 movie of all time in any genre.
Yes, it's the GOAT comic movie but I don't think it's necessarily in my top 20 movies all time.. I like crime dramas and shyt The Dark Knight was like that but not on the level of Heat, Goodfellas, Casino etc
Not as good as this. At all.What happened to V for Vendetta & Watchmen?
My thoughts exactly@Boxstate Reject
The first Godfather was the best, the second was pretty good but it got kinda melodramatic with the whole "I had an abortion!", although fleshing out Fredo's role was great, but the whole "Fredo's so stupid he basically admits to setting up Michael in front of him" is kinda sketchy, I mean shyt, if Fredo is this fukking stupid he would've died before Sonny.
And DeNiro was a good, but it wasn't nearly as an iconic role as Brando's older Don Corleone.
The best parts of Godfather pt II were already present in Godfather pt I. But all the drawbacks of pt II aren't in pt 1, that's why pt 1 is a better movie imo. And then pt III is like all the bad parts of pt II with none of the redeeming qualities.
It’s in my top 20. I’d put it above casino. But not above goodfellas or dark knight. Might have it even with Heat because Nolan has a better handle on all of the characters he’s juggling.
What happened to V for Vendetta & Watchmen?
Just saw this on @twitter ()
Had no idea about any of this
I better not hear Spiderman 2 mentioned again. That corny train scene disqualified that movie from this discussion.