It was like that even for us, in a way.
Like, we knew the storm was coming, but we shrugged it off. Jackson is inland. Hurricanes hit the gulf, central mississippi gets a pretty bad tornado season. But in Jackson, it just storms a lot.
Katrina came through, killed power and caused chaos.
We got power back after a day or so and all the while we're talking about how bad it is, then you look at the news or in a newspaper and see people on roofs and the whole city flooded.
Then all these refugees showed up a few days later with nothing but the clothes on their backs and these HORRIFYING stories. Women with their kids and they're crying more than their kids are. Old people with nothing but loss in their eyes. Savage ass nikkas with no sense of law or structure or affiliation just showed up- look, man. We weren't prepared for that shyt.
Nobody was prepared for that shyt.