how is 13 tds and 13 ints a definite improvement when fitz had 5 years better than that before the jets ?
NFL in general is a what have you done for me lately league either way. if a bum has a career year last year, he will get opportunities. jets were right to refuse to give fitz big money or lots of years. I dont think theyre wrong giving a guy who posted a 31/15 12m and a stopgap deal. alex smith got a similar deal before kaep took over for us.
if fitz struggles, I expect geno to get some burn.
seriously, the deal isnt anything to cry about imo. its not a huge contract. your cap doesn't look too amazing, Ill give you that, but looks like it's manageable. its essentially a one year deal with no strings attached
geno really isnt some high level prospect or anything. his relatively high pick position was mostly because of a weak qb class and there isnt really anything more to him for you to put your faith in him

I do agree that he mightve not had the opportunities, but such is the life of a player, especially a qb in the nfl. you cant always get opportunities as a starter in the league.
just my 2 cents here