Kneejerk American response: "If you don't like it...get the f*ck out of mah country you goddamn nagger ass commie pinko b*stard!"
Yeah, your country that you slaughtered Native Americans for to turn into a gigantic shopping mall and gun show...
Yeah, your country where you complain about the price of gas yet have a sport where cars run 500 laps that's a big deal...
if you like complaining about it...why don't you just bomb and invade another oil rich country under the guise of "WMDs" "Sharia Law" "islamic radicals" or whatever xenophobic buzzwords you want to put on people to get them riled up for something that goes against their best interests...
Where my family migrated to for the chance for a better life because apparently this is the "land of the free" and "justice for all" and the "pursuit of happiness" and yadda yadda yadda...even though we are lacking the WASPyness and lack of pigmentation to be considered TRUE Americans and will be seen as a tad bit short of welfare thieves, affrimative action recipients who didn't earn anything (even when you are the majority of government assistance reciepients), and ghetto hooligans that are genetically predisposed to ratchetness, violent crime, laziness, and whatever negative traits you wanna throw at us...
Yeah, it's YOUR country...even though Black people are the ones that built this country for FREE while your white asses did nothing but reap the benefits of their blood, sweat, and tears...
Sorry...this shyt just cracks me up. Continue people with your convo.