10 Overrated Life Decisions


Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012

I picked out a couple standouts, the rest you can find by following the link.

10 Overrated Life Decisions

Going to college should be a purposeful decision. Make sure you don’t get yourself in deep debt and that your major gets you a well-paying job.
10: Going to College

Your parents and teachers have been singing the praises of a college education from the day you spelled "CAT" with a set of alphabet blocks. You've heard it a thousand times. College is the path to a fulfilling, well-paying career; college is the greatest time of your life!

Or is it?

It might depend who's footing the bill. The average cost of a single year at a four-year private American college in 2010 to 2011 was $32,617 [source: National Center for Education Statistics]. To cover that kind of tuition, two-thirds of U.S. college students take out loans. The average student loan debt for the class of 2011 was $26,600, the highest on record [source: Ellis].

True, workers with college degrees can make considerably more over the course of their careers than those with only a high-school diploma. But what if you drop out of college before you get your degree? According to a 2013 report funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 46 percent of college students (and 63 percent of African-American students) don't graduate within six years [source: Resmovits]. Now you're in debt with no degree to help pay it off.

Even if you get a degree, your choice of major may leave you unemployable in a tight job market. For instance, in 2010, anthropology and archeology majors had a 10.5 percent unemployment rate on average and a starting salary of $28,000. A film major earned $30,000 and experienced a 12.9 percent unemployment rate [source: Goudreau].

Voters in Silver Spring, Md. wait in a two-block line to vote. If you're that determined, at least be informed of the candidates and the issues before casting your ballot.

9: Voting

Don't get us wrong, we're not knocking voting. It feels great to walk out of a polling place with an "I voted" sticker on your chest and know that you helped select the next president/state senator/school board member. But could the true value of your vote be overrated?

First, there's the whole Electoral College thing. If you are a Republican and live in a state that's overwhelmingly blue, your single vote isn't worth much in a presidential election. If the U.S. elected its presidents by popular vote, then your vote would be added to the millions tallied in other states. But with the "winner takes all" system of electors, your vote is negated by your neighbors'.

Even in popular vote contests, the odds of a single vote determining the decision are highly unfavorable. In a study of 40,000 state legislative elections dating back to 1898, only seven were decided by a single vote. A 1910 election in Buffalo was the only congressional election of the century to be decided by a single vote [source: Mangu-Ward]. Your vote would have more of an impact in a primary or run-off but voters tend to skip those unless there's a hot-button issue on the ballot as well.

Sadly, if you really want your preferred candidate to get elected, your money is probably worth more than your vote. In a survey of congressional elections in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008, the candidate who raised the most money won the contest between 73 and 94 percent of the time [source: Jacobson].

Marriage can be hazardous to your health. On the other hand, divorce can be hazardous to your wealth. So choose wisely.
8: Getting Married

Love and marriage are inextricably tied in the American psyche. As Frank Sinatra crooned in the 1950s, "You can't have one without the other." Or can you? Is there any compelling reason, beyond social norms, for a loving couple to get married? What might be the downside to tying the knot?

Marriage is a legally binding contract with serious implications for breaching that contract. If you are dating someone and they cheat on you, you break up and that's it. But if you are married and the love of your life is unfaithful, you can't just break up. You need to get a divorce, an emotionally and financially sapping legal proceeding. According to researchers at Ohio State, divorce drains an individual's wealth by an average of 77 percent, and that goes for both men and women [source: Grabmeier].

Then there are the health effects of marriage, which are frequently touted as highly positive. Married people live longer on average and experience fewer chronic diseases. But those studies ignore the unfortunate existence of the unhappy marriage. According to some studies, a troubled and stressful relationship causes as much damage to the heart as a smoking habit. And divorced people tend to have more physical ailments than single people of the same age who never married [source: Parker-Pope].

"Having my baby...What a lovely way to say how much you love me…" Sure is -- as long as you have the cash.

7: Having a Baby

There are moments of incomparable joy as a parent — those first steps, your name on their lips, watching them grow and thrive — that we wouldn't trade for the world. But are there aspects of having a baby that are overrated? Absolutely.

First, there are the physical demands of parenthood. If the trauma of labor and delivery isn't enough, there are the months — if not years — of sleep deprivation. And the loss of sexual activity because you're both just too tired [source: BBC]

Then there are the financial demands of children. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which releases an annual report on the cost of raising children, a middle-class American family spends between $10,000 and $15,000 a year on each child from birth to age 18. Higher-income families — earning more than $102,870 a year — spend between $20,000 and $25,000 on each kid per year [source: USDA]. Is it any wonder that some financially prudent young couples are opting out of parenthood for the significant cash savings [source: Taha]?

Again, we aren't arguing that having a baby isn't "worth it." Just that there are pros and cons to every major life decision, and if you can't live with the cons, pay attention to this final figure: The dollar investment in a single condom has a 9 million percent return compared to the cost of raising a child [source: Hind].

3: Exercising More

Exercise is undeniably a good thing ... but it's also possible to have too much of a good thing. Let's start with yoga, a low-impact workout practiced by an estimated 20 million Americans. In yoga studios across the country, uninitiated students are put through the standard paces of downward-facing dog and basic inversions like headstands. But some top yogis argue that even basic yoga positions can cause serious injury to people with existing health problems like back or joint issues [source: Broad].

And what about those marathon runners, the very model of physical fitness and endurance? A number of recent studies have shown that extreme endurance training can actually damage the heart. The prolonged cardiovascular stress of running a marathon can cause problems like arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), calcification and even scarring. According to the research, there's a limit to how much the heart can be pushed before it sustains damage. The culprit appears to be inflammation of the heart tissue during prolonged endurance training [source: Collier Cool].

Another inconvenient truth of exercise: It's not a great way to lose weight. Major changes in diet — avoiding carbohydrates, sugars and starchy foods — will do much more to slim your waistline than walking briskly on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day [source: Bowden]. While an hour of vigorous daily exercise has proven effective for maintaining weight loss, exercise alone isn't the most efficient way to shed unwanted pounds.

This is the dream of retirement -- happy couple on the beach. But what is the realityy?

2: Retiring

The traditional retirement fantasy goes something like this: Fishing on the lake with your buddies, traveling the world with your spouse, touring the country, and visiting the grandkids in a mobile home. Or simply sleeping in and reading a good book in the La-Z-Boy.

The harsh financial reality of modern retirement is radically different. Because of longer life expectancies and dwindling savings and investment returns, many retirees have to pinch every penny to maintain their standard of living. In some cases, they have to take low-wage jobs to make ends meet. In February 2013, the average 401(k) balance of people 55 and older was $143,300, not nearly enough to last 30 or 40 years, even with Social Security [source: Martin].

Even if you are financially prepared for retirement, you might find the experience profoundly overrated. Gone are the mental stimulation of your job, the social interaction of your work environment, and the sense of purpose and accomplishment that was built into your everyday routine.

That's why some older workers advise against retiring until you are physically unable to do the work [source: Moeller]. Thanks to a 1986 amendment to the Age Discrimination and Employment Act, it's illegal for most jobs to have a mandatory retirement age [source: EEOC]. Depending on your line of work, you could easily postpone retirement into your 70s and even 80s. By that point, you'll have more money to live out your retirement fantasies, and the fish at the lake will still be biting.

Author's Note: 10 Overrated Life Decisions

Having made eight out of the ten major life decisions on this list, I feel like I can speak with some confidence about the relative value of each. First, I should say that I don't regret a single major life decision so far. I went to college, got married relatively young, have three amazing kids and a mortgage. All of them have worked out wonderfully. And the ones that didn't work out as wonderfully — climbing the corporate ladder, relocating for a new job — I chalk up to valuable learning experiences. As my editor explained, the point of this article is not to slam anyone's decision to get married or retire, but to point out the pros and cons of each, and encourage readers to think hard about some of life's most potentially "life-changing" choices. In The Game of LIFE, you can always clear the board and start over. In real life, you have to live with your decisions, good or bad.

Ready for the "Didn't Reads" and "Can we get some Cliff Notes" :snoop:


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf

before I opened it I was like I bet going to college is on there and it was!

I agree that college is overrated and I'm finishing up my third year now. By making us basically choose what we wanna do for the rest of our lives at 18, is kinda setting us up for a rocky road too. Plus, everybody isn't a college, academic type. My dad is the smartest man I know. He got accepted into Harvard just to see if he could and he's a plumber now :yeshrug:


Jul 1, 2012
Different strokes for different folks. If u can understand the consequences & accept them before makin a move u wont have regrets. I can see where y he made this list.


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
3: Exercising More

Exercise is undeniably a good thing ... but it's also possible to have too much of a good thing. Let's start with yoga, a low-impact workout practiced by an estimated 20 million Americans. In yoga studios across the country, uninitiated students are put through the standard paces of downward-facing dog and basic inversions like headstands. But some top yogis argue that even basic yoga positions can cause serious injury to people with existing health problems like back or joint issues [source: Broad].

And what about those marathon runners, the very model of physical fitness and endurance? A number of recent studies have shown that extreme endurance training can actually damage the heart. The prolonged cardiovascular stress of running a marathon can cause problems like arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), calcification and even scarring. According to the research, there's a limit to how much the heart can be pushed before it sustains damage. The culprit appears to be inflammation of the heart tissue during prolonged endurance training [source: Collier Cool].

Another inconvenient truth of exercise: It's not a great way to lose weight. Major changes in diet — avoiding carbohydrates, sugars and starchy foods — will do much more to slim your waistline than walking briskly on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day [source: Bowden]. While an hour of vigorous daily exercise has proven effective for maintaining weight loss, exercise alone isn't the most efficient way to shed unwanted pounds.

This goes w/o saying. I think everybody knows that working out AND changing your diet goes hand in hand :laugh:


May 8, 2012
The value of a college degree has been diluted because we as a society have begun treating a college education as a right, not a privilege. If less people went to college it would a) be less expensive and b) actually mean something.

Buying a house is number one though. I've met more people who regretted this choice than any other on the list. Owning a home in this country is like indentured fukking servitude. Whether its through an abusive mortgage or endless maintenance, your house WILL end up owning you.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012

before I opened it I was like I bet going to college is on there and it was!

I agree that college is overrated and I'm finishing up my third year now. By making us basically choose what we wanna do for the rest of our lives at 18, is kinda setting us up for a rocky road too. Plus, everybody isn't a college, academic type. My dad is the smartest man I know. He got accepted into Harvard just to see if he could and he's a plumber now :yeshrug:

:salute: to your pops. I've always thought of myself as a somewhat intelligent guy but school was not the thing for me.


May 18, 2012
I've always worried about retirement... I'm kind of hoping I get bodied a bit before my 70s. I ain't bout that joint pains, incontinence and dementia :manny:


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013

I picked out a couple standouts, the rest you can find by following the link.

10 Overrated Life Decisions

Going to college should be a purposeful decision. Make sure you don’t get yourself in deep debt and that your major gets you a well-paying job.
10: Going to College

Your parents and teachers have been singing the praises of a college education from the day you spelled "CAT" with a set of alphabet blocks. You've heard it a thousand times. College is the path to a fulfilling, well-paying career; college is the greatest time of your life!

Or is it?

It might depend who's footing the bill. The average cost of a single year at a four-year private American college in 2010 to 2011 was $32,617 [source: National Center for Education Statistics]. To cover that kind of tuition, two-thirds of U.S. college students take out loans. The average student loan debt for the class of 2011 was $26,600, the highest on record [source: Ellis].

True, workers with college degrees can make considerably more over the course of their careers than those with only a high-school diploma. But what if you drop out of college before you get your degree? According to a 2013 report funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 46 percent of college students (and 63 percent of African-American students) don't graduate within six years [source: Resmovits]. Now you're in debt with no degree to help pay it off.

Even if you get a degree, your choice of major may leave you unemployable in a tight job market. For instance, in 2010, anthropology and archeology majors had a 10.5 percent unemployment rate on average and a starting salary of $28,000. A film major earned $30,000 and experienced a 12.9 percent unemployment rate [source: Goudreau].

Voters in Silver Spring, Md. wait in a two-block line to vote. If you're that determined, at least be informed of the candidates and the issues before casting your ballot.

9: Voting

Don't get us wrong, we're not knocking voting. It feels great to walk out of a polling place with an "I voted" sticker on your chest and know that you helped select the next president/state senator/school board member. But could the true value of your vote be overrated?

First, there's the whole Electoral College thing. If you are a Republican and live in a state that's overwhelmingly blue, your single vote isn't worth much in a presidential election. If the U.S. elected its presidents by popular vote, then your vote would be added to the millions tallied in other states. But with the "winner takes all" system of electors, your vote is negated by your neighbors'.

Even in popular vote contests, the odds of a single vote determining the decision are highly unfavorable. In a study of 40,000 state legislative elections dating back to 1898, only seven were decided by a single vote. A 1910 election in Buffalo was the only congressional election of the century to be decided by a single vote [source: Mangu-Ward]. Your vote would have more of an impact in a primary or run-off but voters tend to skip those unless there's a hot-button issue on the ballot as well.

Sadly, if you really want your preferred candidate to get elected, your money is probably worth more than your vote. In a survey of congressional elections in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008, the candidate who raised the most money won the contest between 73 and 94 percent of the time [source: Jacobson].

Marriage can be hazardous to your health. On the other hand, divorce can be hazardous to your wealth. So choose wisely.
8: Getting Married

Love and marriage are inextricably tied in the American psyche. As Frank Sinatra crooned in the 1950s, "You can't have one without the other." Or can you? Is there any compelling reason, beyond social norms, for a loving couple to get married? What might be the downside to tying the knot?

Marriage is a legally binding contract with serious implications for breaching that contract. If you are dating someone and they cheat on you, you break up and that's it. But if you are married and the love of your life is unfaithful, you can't just break up. You need to get a divorce, an emotionally and financially sapping legal proceeding. According to researchers at Ohio State, divorce drains an individual's wealth by an average of 77 percent, and that goes for both men and women [source: Grabmeier].

Then there are the health effects of marriage, which are frequently touted as highly positive. Married people live longer on average and experience fewer chronic diseases. But those studies ignore the unfortunate existence of the unhappy marriage. According to some studies, a troubled and stressful relationship causes as much damage to the heart as a smoking habit. And divorced people tend to have more physical ailments than single people of the same age who never married [source: Parker-Pope].

"Having my baby...What a lovely way to say how much you love me…" Sure is -- as long as you have the cash.

7: Having a Baby

There are moments of incomparable joy as a parent — those first steps, your name on their lips, watching them grow and thrive — that we wouldn't trade for the world. But are there aspects of having a baby that are overrated? Absolutely.

First, there are the physical demands of parenthood. If the trauma of labor and delivery isn't enough, there are the months — if not years — of sleep deprivation. And the loss of sexual activity because you're both just too tired [source: BBC]

Then there are the financial demands of children. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which releases an annual report on the cost of raising children, a middle-class American family spends between $10,000 and $15,000 a year on each child from birth to age 18. Higher-income families — earning more than $102,870 a year — spend between $20,000 and $25,000 on each kid per year [source: USDA]. Is it any wonder that some financially prudent young couples are opting out of parenthood for the significant cash savings [source: Taha]?

Again, we aren't arguing that having a baby isn't "worth it." Just that there are pros and cons to every major life decision, and if you can't live with the cons, pay attention to this final figure: The dollar investment in a single condom has a 9 million percent return compared to the cost of raising a child [source: Hind].

3: Exercising More

Exercise is undeniably a good thing ... but it's also possible to have too much of a good thing. Let's start with yoga, a low-impact workout practiced by an estimated 20 million Americans. In yoga studios across the country, uninitiated students are put through the standard paces of downward-facing dog and basic inversions like headstands. But some top yogis argue that even basic yoga positions can cause serious injury to people with existing health problems like back or joint issues [source: Broad].

And what about those marathon runners, the very model of physical fitness and endurance? A number of recent studies have shown that extreme endurance training can actually damage the heart. The prolonged cardiovascular stress of running a marathon can cause problems like arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), calcification and even scarring. According to the research, there's a limit to how much the heart can be pushed before it sustains damage. The culprit appears to be inflammation of the heart tissue during prolonged endurance training [source: Collier Cool].

Another inconvenient truth of exercise: It's not a great way to lose weight. Major changes in diet — avoiding carbohydrates, sugars and starchy foods — will do much more to slim your waistline than walking briskly on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day [source: Bowden]. While an hour of vigorous daily exercise has proven effective for maintaining weight loss, exercise alone isn't the most efficient way to shed unwanted pounds.

This is the dream of retirement -- happy couple on the beach. But what is the realityy?

2: Retiring

The traditional retirement fantasy goes something like this: Fishing on the lake with your buddies, traveling the world with your spouse, touring the country, and visiting the grandkids in a mobile home. Or simply sleeping in and reading a good book in the La-Z-Boy.

The harsh financial reality of modern retirement is radically different. Because of longer life expectancies and dwindling savings and investment returns, many retirees have to pinch every penny to maintain their standard of living. In some cases, they have to take low-wage jobs to make ends meet. In February 2013, the average 401(k) balance of people 55 and older was $143,300, not nearly enough to last 30 or 40 years, even with Social Security [source: Martin].

Even if you are financially prepared for retirement, you might find the experience profoundly overrated. Gone are the mental stimulation of your job, the social interaction of your work environment, and the sense of purpose and accomplishment that was built into your everyday routine.

That's why some older workers advise against retiring until you are physically unable to do the work [source: Moeller]. Thanks to a 1986 amendment to the Age Discrimination and Employment Act, it's illegal for most jobs to have a mandatory retirement age [source: EEOC]. Depending on your line of work, you could easily postpone retirement into your 70s and even 80s. By that point, you'll have more money to live out your retirement fantasies, and the fish at the lake will still be biting.

Author's Note: 10 Overrated Life Decisions

Having made eight out of the ten major life decisions on this list, I feel like I can speak with some confidence about the relative value of each. First, I should say that I don't regret a single major life decision so far. I went to college, got married relatively young, have three amazing kids and a mortgage. All of them have worked out wonderfully. And the ones that didn't work out as wonderfully — climbing the corporate ladder, relocating for a new job — I chalk up to valuable learning experiences. As my editor explained, the point of this article is not to slam anyone's decision to get married or retire, but to point out the pros and cons of each, and encourage readers to think hard about some of life's most potentially "life-changing" choices. In The Game of LIFE, you can always clear the board and start over. In real life, you have to live with your decisions, good or bad.

Ready for the "Didn't Reads" and "Can we get some Cliff Notes" :snoop:
