"Lockjaw" is a nice name for a finisher
Let's see if Britt is any good
Ya think at some point we gonna see Brandi n Cody both hold the women n men’s world titles simultaneously?
ok but 2 things
1 - They already said they trynna cater to “their current” audience 1st and foremost.
2 - The mainstream audience only knows Attitude Era guys. Barring they sign maybe Batista or one of them..... they don’t really know or care about no one else like that.
If the options really are just let them cook with their current talent or forget their current talent and go with more old names in a TNA like manner. I think they should stick with option 1.
TNA already proved it’s not enough just to load up on MAINSTREAM names
By day Britt Baker is a dental student; some nights, though, she's pro wrestler BrittsburghIs this dentist thing a work?
She's alright, but she's not real