Lv99 Slacker
I wouldn't use Ledger or Trezor. Ledger has had two incidents now where their customer email addresses (and other info? not sure) has leaked. Also, Ledger has some weird kind of cloud saving backdoor "feature" that sounds like a premature government compliance move to seize people's crypto and hand it over to the government.I need some help.
Yesterday's issue with Coinbase combined with my account getting into some serious numbers () makes me feel I need to get my money off Coinbase ASAP. I did a little research on wallets but honestly I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing.
Basically I need a safer place to keep my crypto investments, then I need to figure out how to continue to invest (I contribute bi-weekly) in crypto once I leave Coinbase.
Coinbase just made everything so easy, but these numbers are getting to the point I need more security in my investment.
Can anybody help a brotha out?
Dap + Rep on deck
For your bitcoin stack, the cold storage wallet most bitcoin maxi's seem to recommend is Coldcard: COLDCARD – The Most Trusted and Secure Signing Device (aka. Hardware Wallet)
Reminder: For buying/selling bitcoin, you don't need to use centralized exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken,, etc. There are direct p2p (peer to peer) trading platforms where you don't need to create an account or even submit an email address to use. These are commonly referred to as non-KYC (Know Your Customer) p2p exchanges. Examples of these exchanges:
- Robosats:

Getting Started ‹ Bisq - A decentralized bitcoin exchange network
Bisq is an open-source desktop application that allows you to buy and sell bitcoin in exchange for national currencies, or alternative cryptocurrencies.

Non-custodial Bitcoin trading solution, we don’t hold your funds.
HodlHodl does require an email address, but you can use some bullshyt like Proton to create an email address just for this purpose. I personally use Robosats, which requires a lightning wallet to use. Lightning wallets compatible with Robosats: Blink, Wallet of Satoshi (not available to US users), Phoenix (okay-ish for receiving bitcoin for Robosats transactions; terrible for sending to sell).
Tutorials on how to use Robosats: