All Star
As a New Yorker, I am not eligible. It sounds good though.
As a New Yorker, I am not eligible. It sounds good though.
hodl brehs
That’s why I been preaching to go and research REAL projects with solid teams behind them before making investments.if you’re in the right projects you will absolutely be rewarded over time…it’s not even debatable…the problem comes when ppl try to apply “hodl” and “buy the dip” to every scenario
That’s why I been preaching to go and research REAL projects with solid teams behind them before making investments.
Bear pressure won’t have the same impact and you’ll sleep a lot better
You moving and swapping it on a DEX to cash out?speaking of hodl
some shytcoin I was stuck with from 2017 is apparently worth $100k on paper if I can find a US-friendly exchange with enough volume to move it
coinloan (CLT) ICO was in 2017 and they kept pump-faking when it came to getting the project off the ground…apparently they finally did last year
forgot all about it…just came across an old email and checked the current price…the crypto landscape has changed so much tho since then…2 of the main exchanges it’s on no longer allow US traders for certain coins or at all lol smh
You moving and swapping it on a DEX to cash out?
Damnthe only DEX it appears to be trading on is uniswap and the volume/info hasn’t been updated for almost 2 months…I don’t know if uniswap will have enough volume…gonna try selling some later on and see…also it seems to be selling for half the listed price on uni but again that info is 55 days old
El Salvador is just the first. As several other South American countries plan to follow suit, has the whole continent become clueless?
would go against the whole liberation idea to force people to use it but the free $30 is a smart promotional toolnot mandatory apparently ..
"The president addressed widespread concerns that bitcoin use might become mandatory in El Salvador—which will continue to use the U.S. dollar as legal tender—reassuring citizens the “use of bitcoin will be optional,” Reuters reported. "
"The U.S. dollar has been the official currency in El Salvador since 2001, which bitcoin will join, not replace, as legal tender. The decision to adopt the cryptocurrency as legal tender—a world first—was met with both trepidation and excitement around the world. For enthusiasts, it was a sign of things to come, and numerous lawmakers around the world have expressed support for fostering widespread use of digital currencies. Skeptics, meanwhile, voiced concerns over transparency, the environmental impact of bitcoin, and the practicalities of implementing it on the ground. El Salvador’s ambitious three month timeline to implement the law, which Bukele’s statement suggests is unchanged, was imperiled in mid June when the World Bank rejected the country’s request to help it implement the crypto as legal tender, citing risks to the environment and of financial"
Adults In El Salvador To Get $30 In Bitcoin As Nation Unveils Details To Make Crypto Legal Tender
would go against the whole liberation idea to force people to use it but the free $30 is a smart promotional tool
CNBC: Robinhood to pay $70 million for outages and misleading customers, the largest-ever FINRA penalty.