The black man is always targeted.
Lemme just step into my time machine and cash out at 64You should’ve sold at 64.

Lemme just step into my time machine and cash out at 64You should’ve sold at 64.
You know your risk tolerance better than I do so I can't say. If it was me, I'd think we're close to the bottom and hold, and cash out somewhere around where you're saying, but I'm a full on degen that's spends most of his time in de-fi playing with shytcoins, so these losses don't really phase me lol. Move to your own comfort level, these things are hard to predict at the end of the day.I lost so much already I can afford to lose a lil bit more.
I’m leaving if this goes below 28k and and cashing out most if this goes back to 40k.
You think that’s a rational move?
the theory is that once it hits in the mid to low 20'a whales are going to buy all the "free" bitcoins available
after that happens the price will shoot up because the only bitcoins for sale will be owned by actual people
all bitcoin transactions would have to have someone willing to sell it at that point
it's not my theory just one I've heard
IMO i think they’re trying to shake people out so I would holdI lost so much already I can afford to lose a lil bit more.
I’m leaving if this goes below 28k and and cashing out most if this goes back to 40k.
You think that’s a rational move?
Some of y’all bugging.
you should’ve took small profits here and there but overall it doesn’t matter. Buy more and hold. This is the perfect time. M
ima keep getting this money. Everything will be back.
Even doge I do not care I can’t wait until it drops below 5 cents again let’s fukking do it
Some of y’all bugging.
you should’ve took small profits here and there but overall it doesn’t matter. Buy more and hold. This is the perfect time. M
ima keep getting this money. Everything will be back.
Even doge I do not care I can’t wait until it drops below 5 cents again let’s fukking do it
It’s definitely going to dip more…a lot more
the theory is that once it hits in the mid to low 20'a whales are going to buy all the "free" bitcoins available
after that happens the price will shoot up because the only bitcoins for sale will be owned by actual people
all bitcoin transactions would have to have someone willing to sell it at that point
it's not my theory just one I've heard
Diamond Hands buy the dip
Paper Hands just dip