Your wallet address is on the blockchain. Can look it up on either ethscan or bscscan. I had one recently called mmax which I think was related to emax cuz people in their discord was mentioning it. What they do is search for the token on ethscan and it shows all the transactions on there and which wallets it was moved to from personal wallets to exchanges and everything. That's why it showed Vitalik wallet when he had shib and also the dead wallet that lot of coins burn to. So they get a bunch of those wallets and airdrop them coins I believe like a phishing attempt to get them to take the bait and move the coins or do something to get caught off guard. That's how I believe the government was able to recover the stolen btc but not sure which one they used cuz ethscan for erc20 tokens only. But I'm sure they got a way to track movement on btc transfers. Anything could be tracked on crypto basically.I'm saying tho, how they have ya'll wallets addresses like that???dont you have to verify if someone sends you crypto???