((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL
Yea but last night trx nearly doubled in value in like an hours time. Then dropped all the way back down to its regular value of around 215. Without some type of major announcment, what can cause a company to spike like that in such a short time span?It's a 24/7 market, when it's night here it's daytime somewhere else.
I'm not necessarily saying xvg and trx are shyt coins. Verge could very well be as great as people claim and be huge in the future. I hope it is cause it'll make me a fortune. but I do think groups are manipulating the coin on a regular basis. But this has to be expected when there's no rules in this game. That's just what I believe.......These groups have to be a nightmare for these companies who are legitimately trying to create something special.