$1.6 billion reparations paid by U.S. government


Resting in Peace
Apr 30, 2012
SOHH Icey HawkSet ByrdGang
They aren't African Americans than

:wtf: so you gotta be a descendant of the slave trade to be african american?

i just thought you had to be african.....and american :dahell: this will surely be news to my family that came here from eritrea in the 80s, and identify as african american


May 6, 2012
your analogy is a little flawed breh

if you worked for a company, and can prove you worked for that company as well as prove that company owes you money, you have every legal right to pursue the unpaid dues

even if you have a family member or ancestor in the same situation, as long as you can prove that company owes/owed money to that family member or ancestor, you can still pursue it legally....but here is where it starts to break down

for the vast majority of african americans, they cannot directly trace their lineages to specific slaves like you can, for one reason or another (africans being treated as items instead of people, intentional fabrication and destruction of records, relocation, miseducation etc)...so it quickly becomes a matter of burden of proof in the legal sense, and you can guarantee the government is gonna wanna see the receipts on any black person wanting reparations for their slave ancestors

of course it's easy for us to assume on a base rational level that african americans are byproducts of slavery, and for the most part that's correct and an ethical enough reason to deserve reparations, but you have to factor in the legality and logistics of it all....you also have other factors, like african americans that did not descend from slaves or immigrated to america on their own volition (if they sendin out checks i want one too god dammit :mjpls: )...do you think those african americans deserve reparations as well? or just the ones that directly descend from slaves?

the idea that the government would just skimp over the details and start givin checks to black folks just for being black and maybe being a descendant of a slave is much more idealistic than realistic

if anything, they would set the record department on fire before they crack open the books to figure out which black folks get reparations and which don't
then you factor in the mixing. what percentage of african-american do you have to have? one drop rule? if so, practically everyone will be able to claim (including "white people") and then when these same white people are asked for proof they'll give the same argument Say it Wit Ya Chest used ("we can't retrace it specifically because of slavery :smugfavre:")

PLUS, say the country goes bankrupt because of a judgement, are they required to pay you back?


Sep 25, 2012
:wtf: so you gotta be a descendant of the slave trade to be african american?

i just thought you had to be african.....and american :dahell: this will surely be news to my family that came here from eritrea in the 80s, and identify as african american
its complicated. African American is an ethnicity just like Jamaican,kenyan etc. Many would consider you to be Eritrean-american


Resting in Peace
Apr 30, 2012
SOHH Icey HawkSet ByrdGang
its complicated. African American is an ethnicity just like Jamaican,kenyan etc. Many would consider you to be Eritrean-american

that's crazy :dead: i never seen Eritrean-American on the census

African American implies you're an American citizen with African heritage...this connotation that it only is for certain types of Africans is some divisive nonsense breh :manny:

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
your analogy is a little flawed breh

if you worked for a company, and can prove you worked for that company as well as prove that company owes you money, you have every legal right to pursue the unpaid dues

even if you have a family member or ancestor in the same situation, as long as you can prove that company owes/owed money to that family member or ancestor, you can still pursue it legally....but here is where it starts to break down

for the vast majority of african americans, they cannot directly trace their lineages to specific slaves like you can, for one reason or another (africans being treated as items instead of people, intentional fabrication and destruction of records, relocation, miseducation etc)...so it quickly becomes a matter of burden of proof in the legal sense, and you can guarantee the government is gonna wanna see the receipts on any black person wanting reparations for their slave ancestors

of course it's easy for us to assume on a base rational level that african americans are byproducts of slavery, and for the most part that's correct and an ethical enough reason to deserve reparations, but you have to factor in the legality and logistics of it all....you also have other factors, like african americans that did not descend from slaves or immigrated to america on their own volition (if they sendin out checks i want one too god dammit :mjpls: )...do you think those african americans deserve reparations as well? or just the ones that directly descend from slaves?

the idea that the government would just skimp over the details and start givin checks to black folks just for being black and maybe being a descendant of a slave is much more idealistic than realistic

if anything, they would set the record department on fire before they crack open the books to figure out which black folks get reparations and which don't

You're right, but they also don't want to give reparations based on the fact that anti black racism is what this country was built on. Acknowledging what they did was wrong and apologizing for it by giving out reparations to those who's ancestors were enslaved is never going to happen even if we were afforded the luxury of knowing who exactly we descended from. It is what it is though. I choose not to focus on that but rather build the black community, cause at the end of the day, this country has never been for us and never will be for us. nikkas should've been realized this from jump.


Jul 19, 2013
If reparations are too much to handle in the form of cash, does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions?

I realize that money is most important to some people, the use of the money should be just as important as having it. I also realize most will feel they should be able to spend it on whatever they want (rightfully so), but there has to be a better, more progressive way than handing out cheques to every African slave descendant.

a) Training and education in every and any field available should not only be free, but African descendants in America should receive small payment for going and completing the training.
Everyone who is motivated wont need to worry about fees and loans. Not everyone is motivated, not everyone will want training and education.

b) Education should not only be free, but top educators of African descent should be the teachers, principals, etc. The curriculum should include your basics (math, science, geography, english, etc) but history should be from an African perspective. Religion of various types should also be taught, but from an African perspective. Education isn't just about learning what you already think you know or believe.

2. Business minded individuals who have completed their training should receive bursaries and grants to start up their own business in primarily Black communities. IF they succeed, hire people from the community who are qualified, or who are training to become qualified. If they don't succeed, at least they have the skills necessary to be a productive member of society.

3. Housing should be free. Maybe not every individual, but at the very least a family of 5-6 should be able to live in the same home for free. EVery able body can contribute by either going to training, school, or work. The elders can watch over the youngings. Trained professionals can assist at home if necessary.

4. We need our own media outlets. A lot of our negative programming is due to the media(dont ask me how). Again, all African descendants, trained, and motivated should be in charge. Theres always space for ratchetness, but it shouldn't be the main focus. We too diverse a people to let 1 or 2 networks "represent" us to the world.

5. *Healthy* food should be free. Give us the proper training, some land, and let us grow our food for free. Orrrr give us free organic healthy food from the grocery store in wealthy gated communities:shaq:

6. Health care should be free. Mental health should be addressed among us, by us. Now if we constantly fukk up by eating too much junk, not exercising, taking harmful drugs etc... we should be held accountable in some way. Although the last 400+ years has done so much damage to our mental that i understand the fat, lazy, drug taking slobs who don't give a fukk. We still only as strong as our weakest link and some people just need the proper motivation to improve their situations.

It doesn't need to be said, but just incase... No self-haters, no c00ns. no uncle toms, etc should be in place of power within our communities. That being said, we are a diverse people so I don't expect everyone to have the same viewpoint. Our "leaders" should represent various sides of the collective. The collective should onyl receiver "reparations" if they learn about, nominate, and vote for these reps/leaders.

For those worried about cost, its understandable. It may seem impossible, but it isn't. Nothing wrong with starting small, and making the little sacrifices, to eventually take that next leap as a people.

European Americans want to harp on how great their country is(or was before desegregation, hiphop, and Obama), they'll remind us of the traditions, holidays, all the positives of what America was built off of, and how their so proud of their forefathers and legacy; but will be quick to tell us to "get over it...slavery was 400 years ago.. why you you people always bring slavery up.. its in the past"

Wheres the logic:dwillhuh:?

Black Wall Street wasn't even 100 years ago. War on drugs wasn't even 50 years. These events destroyed whole communities. Bloodliness were unnecessarily cut off and handicapped.
But even after everybody else got their share, an apology, and their nuts licked, Black folks ask for something and its too expensive? :stopitslime:


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
They act like americans were eating sushi at a bar in tokyo while japanese in america were thrown into camps. It was a war. Get into wars but be too soft to understand the consequences brah.


Sep 25, 2012
that's crazy :dead: i never seen Eritrean-American on the census

African American implies you're an American citizen with African heritage...this connotation that it only is for certain types of Africans is some divisive nonsense breh :manny:
I know but where does that leave black americans(descendants of American slaves) that have created their own separate culture in this country

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
welfare is basically reparations for our women and all those men in prison don't have to pay for food or housing. :troll:


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
your analogy is a little flawed breh

if you worked for a company, and can prove you worked for that company as well as prove that company owes you money, you have every legal right to pursue the unpaid dues

even if you have a family member or ancestor in the same situation, as long as you can prove that company owes/owed money to that family member or ancestor, you can still pursue it legally....but here is where it starts to break down

for the vast majority of african americans, they cannot directly trace their lineages to specific slaves like you can, for one reason or another (africans being treated as items instead of people, intentional fabrication and destruction of records, relocation, miseducation etc)...so it quickly becomes a matter of burden of proof in the legal sense, and you can guarantee the government is gonna wanna see the receipts on any black person wanting reparations for their slave ancestors

of course it's easy for us to assume on a base rational level that african americans are byproducts of slavery, and for the most part that's correct and an ethical enough reason to deserve reparations, but you have to factor in the legality and logistics of it all....you also have other factors, like african americans that did not descend from slaves or immigrated to america on their own volition (if they sendin out checks i want one too god dammit :mjpls: )...do you think those african americans deserve reparations as well? or just the ones that directly descend from slaves?

the idea that the government would just skimp over the details and start givin checks to black folks just for being black and maybe being a descendant of a slave is much more idealistic than realistic

if anything, they would set the record department on fire before they crack open the books to figure out which black folks get reparations and which don't
Proving this company owes me money is the easy part, that's actually the part that was used to come up with that trillion dollar figure.

tracing our lineage back to our slave descendant wouldn't be necessary. The only necessary thing to be proved would be that someone in our family geneolgy has lived in this country as far back as this countries written records can go back. That will live the burden of proof on the U.S. government to prove it doesn't owe different members of the same household separate checks. I know for sure this government would start unearthing documents that would reconnect families that would otherwise never have known each others existences trying to deny people those 300 thousand dollar checks.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
This country purposefully destroyed the records of our histories.....they apologied for it. They won't have the privilege of using those same demonic devises for their benefit again. It is now on them to prove to us why they don't owe us money


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
I just watched a article on thisis50 that justin beiber had a petition for him to be deported made and circulated via the net which recieved 100 thousand signatures which means the whitehouse must get an official response to it.

I didn't know that was how it worked. I am now fully determined to get this petition started, looked over by official attorneys and sent out. We deserve an official white house response on this issue and it's not hard to get one.