The UnderTexan out here in his indy wrestling old timer body. 

If I had children and they were watching this, I'd block the channel. I feel like I lost some brain cells from watching this.
Yeah, it's just bad TV. If the empty seats and ratings declining for 18 years straight isn't enough for them to understand that they need to make some changes, nothing will. I don't see how some people think there's a wrestling boom, if anything, the business is in a very bad place right now, at least creatively.
Str8 robbery. Ganked those dumb nyggas. They deserve it..he's been telling u that u go accept Bliss and Reigns and thats that.I just looked it up
The cheapest tickets at the Manhattan Center tonight were $450![]()
They all paid $400+ to see a flabby Undertaker cut an incoherent promo, a horrible Bray/Hardy match, a bunch of homos reuniting for the 100th time in the last 5 years and a squash tag-team match![]()
Seeing Braun ragdoll Brock is always entertaining so I guess that brought the grade for this episode up to a D+.![]()
It's a boom, it's a bubble![]()
Here's what happened
Great Austin pop
Vince getting heat for no reason
Stephanie talked too much
Trish said nothing
MVP was a prop
Titus/Crews got a commercial plus match
They basically told us Asuka isn't winning the Rumble..which means the Ronda $hit is real
Sasha will MATTER to some degree on Sunday
Bliss looks ridiculously short next to Charlotte
The ApA segments got silly....
Boogeyman returned
Taker did a weird promo
They tried to use Bryan to get Miz booed against Reigns
Miz won
Elias punked Cena
Michaels got booed for pandering the Network
They finessed those poor b*stards. Should of used that $450 on a 6 foot Russian pretty eyed whore. Wild.And we watched people in another arena watch RAW in the Barclays
The UnderTexan out here in his indy wrestling old timer body.![]()