my biggest issues w/ this album right now:
- (still) no Budden verse on Our House
- Coffin hook (& the beat change during the hook)
- Throw That
- Throw It Away being so poorly executed (plus the beat is overproduced)
- We Did It (useless skit)
- Park It Sideways (especially verses which are just half assed as the typical verses on this type of songs in general)
- Die hook is weird as fukk to me.. not even wack.. I'll just be like

during it
- no Joe verse on Asylum (probably my least favorite bonus song but Joe verse could've made it better)
- it still feels like it's missing 1-2 really dope songs
on the other hand, I'm feeling a lot of better songs more now than I did after 1 listen
I listened to their debut today & I kinda feel that this might end up having more replay value (WAYYYY too early to tell though) becuase of more diverse sound/topics/flows... then again I listened that first album so much back when it dropped so this probably just sounds fresher to me right now because of that. Oh well, time will tell.