Zimmerman innocent: Arcadium edition

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang

Breh, I just made a joke about Zimmerman preferring PS4

I ain't surprised he got off too because of how fukked up the prosecution presented it's case in court

Remember, in our judicial system, the state had to prove Zimmerman was guilty and all the defense team had to do was provide reasonable doubt to the jurors. The defense didn't have to prove that Zimmerman was innocent. It's the way our judicial system works. That's why I wasn't surprised he got off.

Again my breh, stick with your rants about XBox One:skip:
How about you stop talking about Xbox or PS3. Maybe you thought it was witty or something? Nah. Making a joke, how did that turn out for you?
Now the shyt you talking about, how did the defense provide reasonable doubt?

As a black man who been thru the system more than a few times? Let me tell you what Innocent til proven guilty really means.

You go into a courtroom, and the real scam is they will convince you to take a plea or you could face 100yrs for a jay walking charge. That is usually good enough. In some cases, the person will fight it. Now when you go to trial, all the police have to do is say "Yeah, he was guilty" and the Judge will be like :obama: His word is bond/born/whatever you ******s are saying these says, its all good!!!

But if its a white person in the same situation?

This info doesn't make me a racist, doesn't make me a black militant. I'm not saying every white dude is happy or doesn't care. I just wanted to make that clear, I don't have a problem with those who don't have a problem with my black skin. Just letting it be known there are people who do tho. And some of them are regulars on this website (Story Tru)
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PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I never seen the actual pictures of Dead Trayvon. When I seen them, I actually got angry
I have an interest in this case as many people who have been oppressed do. But I never got angry. The pictures made me wanna house some shyt. Maybe they really did Kill Bin Laden? Even tho hiding the body would contradict why we went after him in the first place. I though we was supposed to be sending a message to terrorist. But enough about that...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT25vOWgsfQ"]Trayvon Martin Body After Being Shot Dead By Zimmmerman & The Last Moments Of His Life! - YouTube[/ame]


Him Downstairs
May 1, 2012
The entire prosecution of Zimmerman was a farce, there was no real effort made by the state to prove without a reasonable doubt. In the beginning Florida didn't even want to prosecute Zimmerman and the verdict that resulted from the sham was no surprise.

Im disgusted more than anything.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I'm gonna leave it up because I feel people need to see it, but I personally don't like even looking at the still pic for the video above.
Imagine you seeing videos/pictures of your dead kid all over the internet. I'm really in a foul mood right now.

But at the same time, I know if we look the other way like a bunch of idiots suggest?
Acting like this ain't a big deal n shyt? Thats why I left the video up.
I stopped watching after Tommyboy started going off, even tho I feel what he was saying. Its not really worth talking about at this point. Now does anyone know where Zimmerman is at? As in, is he still in the country? Has anything happened riot wise?
I didn't watch the news that night or yesterday so I would be clueless if something did pop off...


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life

My thoughts exactly.

Being in Chicago and seeing all the murder that goes down out here... innocent black people/kids get killed everyday and there's no national outrage.

If Zimmerman was a black man, nobody would care about this shyt besides Trayvon's friends and family.

Is it right? Nah, but it's reality. Now we have all this fake outrage about this specific case, where's the outrage for all of the other shyt that falls on a blind eye?

My Facebook feed is ridiculous right now.

Worst post in this whole thread....I see you :skip:

fake outrage......I know you understand the meaning of this verdict...

No national outrage for black on black crime?? So everytime white on white crime happens is their national outrage???

White ppl will kill more white ppl more than any other race...Asian ppl will kill other Asian ppl more than any other race...etc..

this isn't about black on black crime stop trying to change the subject...even tho a lot of black crime when you get down to it cacs are.responsible for..

this is about a white hispanic man getting off on killing a young black male because he was black

ooo and a big fucc you to the clowns who dapped that post..

sent from HTC One

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Worst post in this whole thread....I see you :skip:

fake outrage......I know you understand the meaning of this verdict...

No national outrage for black on black crime?? So everytime white on white crime happens is their national outrage???

White ppl will kill more white ppl more than any other race...Asian ppl will kill other Asian ppl more than any other race...etc..

this isn't about black on black crime stop trying to change the subject...even tho a lot of black crime when you get down to it cacs are.responsible for..

this is about a white hispanic man getting off on killing a young black male because he was black

ooo and a big fucc you to the clowns who dapped that post..

sent from HTC One
Lots of c00nin be goin down on the 31st side of PS Thangs :smh:

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
How about you stop talking about Xbox or PS3. Maybe you thought it was witty or something? Nah. Making a joke, how did that turn out for you?
Now the shyt you talking about, how did the defense provide reasonable doubt?

As a black man who been thru the system more than a few times? Let me tell you what Innocent til proven guilty really means.

You go into a courtroom, and the real scam is they will convince you to take a plea or you could face 100yrs for a jay walking charge. That is usually good enough. In some cases, the person will fight it. Now when you go to trial, all the police have to do is say "Yeah, he was guilty" and the Judge will be like :obama: His word is bond/born/whatever you ******s are saying these says, its all good!!!

But if its a white person in the same situation?

Paul Mooney - Crazy White Man in Court (HD) - YouTube

This info doesn't make me a racist, doesn't make me a black militant. I'm not saying every white dude is happy or doesn't care. I just wanted to make that clear, I don't have a problem with those who don't have a problem with my black skin. Just letting it be known there are people who do tho. And some of them are regulars on this website (Story Tru)

Breh, we're talking about the Zimmerman case and how it was presented to the jurors:snoop:

I'm not gonna keep arguing with you because you seem to be oblivious of how things transpired within that court room.

Just to let you know, my personal opinion is that GZ should have gone to jail for precipitating the whole event. But the way the prosecution presented their case to the jurors and how the defense rebutted, I could see how the prosecution failed in proving he was guilty. That's it breh.

As for the joke, if you don't think it was funny,



Staff member
May 1, 2012
Worst post in this whole thread....I see you :skip:

fake outrage......I know you understand the meaning of this verdict...

No national outrage for black on black crime?? So everytime white on white crime happens is their national outrage???

White ppl will kill more white ppl more than any other race...Asian ppl will kill other Asian ppl more than any other race...etc..

this isn't about black on black crime stop trying to change the subject...even tho a lot of black crime when you get down to it cacs are.responsible for..

this is about a white hispanic man getting off on killing a young black male because he was black

ooo and a big fucc you to the clowns who dapped that post..

sent from HTC One

Ok, but what I said still stands. If Zimmerman was black, nobody would give a fukk besides Trayvon's family.

AND that is what's fukked up. Now you can go protest and post some political rant on whatever site you want. This isn't the only innocent person to get murdered for no viable reason.