Honestly AK, I think you should do a CD and sell it on iTunes, I promise I'd buy it!!!!!
To be honest I didn't even know I could kickback and just listen to instrumentals without verses on it, never thought I'm someone who would enjoy that
my favorite beat of all time is the cobra beat by havoc, and even that I need to hear verses on it or else I wouldn't be so interested in listening.
But I dunno, your beat had a modern hip boom bap jazz feel to it, maybe it was destined to be an instrumental.
maybe that's the type on instrumental with no verses I'd enjoy, I would highly suggest you do a CD and sell it on iTunes. I'm sure many on the coli would $upport.
I only briefly listened to one other one of your beats and I feel your power lies in a jazzy feel to your beats. With Jazz will come great power!
Zeus your shyt was nice too, if you added a guitar feel to it with a fast paced vibe definitely something I could jam while at the gym with.
I think it could add a few reps