What I will say is that even if he wants to stop acting, Tom has most likely made more than enough on this Marvel films to be set for life, financially provide a great life as a wealthy guy, and invest wisely to grow his money.
You have ppl like Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, Rihanna, Shaquille O’Neal, Chamillionaire (spelling?), Nas, etc who stepped away from entertainment to build wildly profitable businesses. I think that’s the lane he’s moving into. Just because he doesn’t want to be in movies doesn’t mean he wants to live off his woman
And the looks thing…maybe she learned the lesson that many of us learn when it’s kinda late

She’s dated cute, tall guys and they cheated on her, no?
And of course ppl will blame her and say “she should’ve chosen better”. But you know what, how come those guys didn’t value her when they had her? We can all see that she’s a catch. Why not straighten up for her? Because they didn’t see the value in her that this dude does. Tom probably came correct from the jump, and she took her sweet ass time deciding whether to give him a shot. Any guy she dated before him had the chance to do right and earn her trust.
Everybody want to make comments about how the White girls latch on to Black male athletes at the beginning and put their time in, holding on before those dudes “make it”.
Well, guess what? Seems like the same thing applies here! Tom met her years before they officially started dating. He was probably in the “friend zone”

. He saw something special and waited until this
mixed young lady said ok, let’s go for it.
Those taller, cuter guys were “exercising their options” when she wasn't officially “
ZENDAYA”. They thought they could do better. Nooooooow she’s supposed to bush the nice guy?
This is just mad contradictory based on all the complaints I see about “modern women”. Lol
Again, I’d get it if he was some no name who didn’t literally have a superhero franchise on his back. But- he’s gotta be worth at least $20mill and that number will grow with the next couple films, and I’m certain he’s got investments that will be successful.
This young woman has proven to be very strategic with her career moves; you’re crazy if you think she’s just jumping into engagement/marriage solely because of “love”.
She’s one young woman in Hollywood who is actually following Beyoncé’s blueprint: established and making great money as a single entertainer. I’m certain she isn’t planning to attach herself to Tom if his finances aren’t in order and he doesn’t have wise investments/plans for the future.
Let them do their thing.