You brought it home with this one.
Same way it played out for your colleague is probably the same way it played out for Zendaya. 
And like I said earlier, she learned quickly to not be too shallow (not that Tom is unattractive!) and is sticking with the guy who actually loves her and treats her well.
Young, rich, famous MOVIE STAR in his 20s.
Is he playing the field and “living the dream” like Leo DiCaprio?
Impregnating and making a successful young woman a single babymomma like Cordae?
He’s locking down an amazing girl before HE turns 30. Before HE gets her pregnant.
No one wants to point that out either. Lol
He isn’t wasting her time, or tarnishing her rep by making her a babymomma.
He cares enough to do things in the proper order in a timely fashion.
Maybe the taller, cuter guys weren’t moving like this.
Peace to you and all the sistahs.
This is not an attack on the quote I am responding too. Just what is occurring in reality. That most black folks.
who lack knowledge of self are not prescient too.
Please use this as rhe simple gateway braintrust. To why we have to gain knowledge of self. About issues the udc have purposefully uneducated us to.
While also misappropriation our very culture in every possible way. While grafting this on to our community.
As well as covering up the gateways to the braintrust to gain knowledge of self.
Also nikkaz need to realize
i am from Emmitt till.
The actual fukking street my whole life. I lived forty years on in chicago.
Before it was named emmit till.
till, ironically it was named that. As it never left.
the general vibe or talk. When I was born.
till it was named that.
When I was born this issue was generations old. Yet still existed in the general common lexicon of that Neighborhood. Plus the danger you are in. Even if you never even approached your former udc slavemaater counterpart.
This is all disenfranchisement.
That makes sense.
As everyone in the black community is put in danger from this shyt.
Do we have to go revisit the till.
You could have said the same thing about :
Stacey dash
Lupita with fasbender
Marpessa dawn : souled out so bad. For the very white people she so adored. They misappropriated an entire genre.
from her one movie appearance. Yet no white person even mentions her at all.
Diana Ross:
Same thing for the brothers.
Alphonso aka Carlton: thr former coldest nikka after Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson: so fsr down rhe sellout rabbit hole of liking a white woman. Those white women publically emasculated him till his sexuality was in question. Then he still had children with white genetics.
We can talk about. Have a seat at the table tho
I will put you throughed't it.
Taye diggs
Ghost from power
We can go on.
Stop this silly udc ass shyt of continuing being a victim of the slavemaster.
Stop c00ning..
c00ning is when you do not understand the misappropriation of uncle tom cabin. To remove the heroics of uncle Tom in print. For the kuklos lie and misappropriation based retelling by wypipo. To make it so uncle Tom never saved the black runaways. Then misappropriated and monetize the idea of misappropriation of uncle Tom's heroics in everything since then. That characters like mad max. Gain an Oscar by misappropriation of the real tale of uncle tom. Yet no one remembers or mentions uncle tom cabin.
as the basis of heroics for their misappropriation based tales. After misappropriation of who uncle tom really is. While reducing uncle tom Into a traitor.
Yet we as black folks. Are supposed to be attacked. For pointing out someone being the misappropriated tale of uncle tom.
Not knowing they put themselves in Emmitt till level damger, whether black man or black woman.
All from their lack of knowledge of self. To know why we call you c00n, uncle tom.
Uncle Tom c00n mccann.
Art Barr
If you want visual aids. To understand this portion of k owledfr of self.
Have a seat at the table.
I will put you throughed't it.