Yvette Carnell & Jesse Lee Peterson are astroturfed by the same white supremacist sugar daddy


Nostalgia Junkie
May 15, 2014
So why does most of Tariq's "amplification" only get 100 or so shares?

Tariq routinely gets thousands of shares.

But your problem is thinking these numbers alone are determinative of results or influence. See #Kony2012

You're just betraying a lack of understanding about how politics works. shyt doesn't move like you think. The 2016 race was supposed to be a Hilary coronation, then Bernie Sanders came in with his own pet issues that he'd spent 30 years pushing, but that finally were getting hearing mostly amplified by unresolved anger from an economic crash 8 years earlier as well as animosity towards Hilary Clinton that had been building since the 1990s. No one had any room to shoehorn reparations into the discussion because there was no meaningful negotiation of platform at all in that race - it was just Bernie coming out of nowhere with his long-cemented platform and Hillary trying to wish him away. Coates tried to insert reparations into the discussion but he had no leverage because the only two voices were Hillary and Bernie - Hillary wasn't about to move towards the left and Sanders wasn't about to change what he'd already been saying for 30 years.

and yet BLM (a group who you partly credit with the current reparations push) WAS able to insert itself in the debates, and on the campaign trails of Bernie and Hilary in 2016. There was nothing stopping the reparations conversation from being had in 2016 the way it's happening now. Coates doing press and articles during 2016 was his contribution, and while I don't expect more. that wasn't the type of work that would've forced the issue then and it certainly didn't now with the media waning coverage around BLM. Your slow cooker explanation while apt in some circumstances is not what happened here.

THAT is why damn near every article or commentary you see on the movement credits Coates with bringing it.

Every article you see where exactly? the mainstream or legacy media that treats Coates like the next James Baldwin? The one that you seem to think is all-important? Tracking establishment media is not a good example when following a grassroots movement? especially a black one.

And I can give you HUNDREDS of examples of actions that were taken by people in response to The Case for Reparations. You just ignore them.

You mean I ignored a bunch of a The Case for Reparations "talks" mostly at colleges and universities where instead of focusing on $$$$$, they had intersectional love-ins where they found a way to talk about trans and the handicap? Unless, there was another hearing on HR40 that I missed or a bunch of money was distributed to black folks, what of these hundreds of examples amounted to anything that looked like the possibility of reparations getting done.

Breh, Coates HIMSELF was basically the star of the entire hearing. :heh:

I don't even get what you're trying to say. That there were no white liberals invested in that hearing? That none of the people at the hearing read the Atlantic or are involved with BLM? Where the hell do you get that from?

The crowd, breh. Did you see who showed up? Unless The Atlantic has all black subscribers or all the millions of books Ta-Nehisi has sold was purchased by black people, the influence that you love to site is diminished if his following is not proportionately represented in the crowd. He was the star of the show? right?

Quoted for unchallenged truth.

I keep asking for receipts. No one can provide receipts.

No one had explained that me how posters with just a few thousand followers, writing posts that only get shared a few hundred times, somehow matter more than articles read by tens of millions of people, books that sell millions of copies, and television appearances with millions of viewers.

I have the receipts. I have receipts showing far greater reach, far greater influence. I have numerous quotes crediting Coates with mainstreaming the discussion and major public figures crediting Coates with changing their minds. The numbers, the politics, the relevant reporters, the hearing, Coates is at the center of all of it.

ADOS, meanwhile, is better at co-signing the WS agenda, hating on other black folk, and claiming credit for the work others have done then they are at influencing anyone. I'm still waiting for anyone to explain how a hashtag counts as "action" or how a core support group that small would lead to anything. But most of all I'm asking for ANY receipts that that's what happened. Not just assertions.

Ta-Nehisi's influence is not receipts, breh. This is not a math equation. Ta-Nehisi being more 'popular' or more respected on this topic doesn't mean he's responsible for this conversation in 2019. I like how you're willing to drop the "look at the verifiable numbers as proof/receipts" argument when mentioning why this holistically popped off now instead of 2016 (because everything is not about numbers). But that's not what happened... though it might sound plausible if you're not following black social media where this all started.

The social media network I already mentioned (Yvette is not the most famous or influential person but the one with the most ideological bent) was already brewing on black social media and forums for years and then the Kamala Harris presidential campaign launched and the resulting backlash and overreaction from her campaign and MSNBC (the first mention of #ados on national TV) propelled this 'niche black social media conversation' into the mainstream with reparations being one of its main components.

The resulting mainstream articles, TV segments and HR40 hearing have been about controlling the narrative away from the alternative black influencers online. This is why "The Case for Reparations" is being resurrected and why Coates is being centered again, it's not the slow cooker explanation you gave of how this took 3 to 5 years to come to the fore, nor is this about raw metrics or book sales.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
@Gmoney & @Rhakim
I read your side debate about who or what injected the issue of reparations into 2019 public discourse and into the 2019 political arena.
Just being on the coli we watched a lot of this develop in real time. It's a bit confusing because the hashtag is often confused with the reparations claim spearheaded by Professor Darity, YC, & AM. From what I remember, in Feb. of 2019...first Joy Reid and then Angela Rye mentioned the ADOS hashtag on MSNBC. I believe that to be the first mainstream media coverage or mention of the movement or what they were about.
Later in the same month, the NYT ran this article

2020 Democrats Embrace Race-Conscious Policies, Including Reparations

Between the time YC changed her mind and came out for reparations and the NYT article, I think analysis of social media trends would show with what frequency that the hashtag ADOS and the word "reparations" were used. I think those numbers dwarf any stats about YC's social media following.

Democrats vying for the nomination and trying to distinguish themselves from a crowded pack of potential rivals, would surely use issues bubbling to the surface to latch on to. I think the first Dem. running for president in 2019 to come out for reparations did it because of the activity the discussion of it generated on the internet. I'm not sure which candidate publicly supported reparations first in 2019, but it had a domino effect as others who would not support it publicly weeks prior, suddenly were in support.

Rep. operatives like Ann Coulter, seeing what was happening, and sensing an opportunity, added their two cents into the internet conversation. Rep. columnists started banging against Kamala for......................................wait for it.................not being African American. Coulter came and publicly patted tariq nasheed on the head once he started echoing elements of what YC & AM were saying. If these internet players were inconsequential , Coulter and others wouldn't have noticed them or tried to use them to affect the race for Dem. challenger.

Now remember, I've called out the false statements and the hateful tone/scapegoating towards foreign Blacks from YC,AM, and that lowlife tariq nasheed. I think the case could have been made for AAs to put their interests first without the fearmongering and nonsense by the people at the forefront . I am in support for reparations.The facts tell me that their efforts played a huge role in the topic of reparations being addressed this early and often in the election cycle.

My Senator ,Booker, was on camera dodging questions about "race specific" policies earlier this year. A few weeks later, HE introduced the companion bill to HR 40 bill to to the Senate. In between that time several things happened. In detailing what those things were, YC,AM,ADOS hashtag and their effect HAVE to be credited
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May 15, 2014
@Gmoney & @Rhakim
I read your side debate about who or what injected the issue of reparations into 2019 public discourse and into the 2019 political arena.
Just being on the coli we watched a lot of this develop in real time. It's a bit confusing because the hashtag is often confused with the reparations claim spearheaded by Professor Darity, YC, & AM. From what I remember, in Feb. of 2019...first Joy Reid and then Angela Rye mentioned the ADOS hashtag on MSNBC. I believe that to be the first mainstream media coverage or mention of the movement or what they were about.
Later in the same month, the NYT ran this article

2020 Democrats Embrace Race-Conscious Policies, Including Reparations

Between the time YC changed her mind and came out for reparations and the NYT article, I think analysis of social media trends would show with what frequency that the hashtag ADOS and the word "reparations" were used. I think those numbers dwarf any stats about YC's social media following.

Democrats vying for the nomination and trying to distinguish themselves from a crowded pack of potential rivals, would surely use issues bubbling to the surface to latch on to. I think the first Dem. running for president in 2019 to come out for reparations did it because of the activity the discussion of it generated on the internet. I'm not sure which candidate publicly supported reparations first in 2019, but it had a domino effect as others who would not support it publicly weeks prior, suddenly were in support.

Rep. operatives like Ann Coulter, seeing what was happening, and sensing an opportunity, added their two cents into the internet conversation. Rep. columnists started banging against Kamala for......................................wait for it.................not being African American. Coulter came and publicly patted tariq nasheed on the head once he started echoing elements of what YC & AM were saying. If these internet players were inconsequential , Coulter and others wouldn't have noticed them or tried to use them to affect the race for Dem. challenger.

Now remember, I've called out the false statements and the hateful tone/scapegoating towards foreign Blacks from YC,AM, and that lowlife tariq nasheed. I think the case could have been made for AAs to put their interests first without the fearmongering and nonsense by the people at the forefront . I am in support for reparations.The facts tell me that their efforts played a huge role in the topic of reparations being addressed this early and often in the election cycle.

My Senator ,Booker, was on camera dodging questions about "race specific" policies earlier this year. A few weeks later, HE introduced the companion bill to HR 40 bill to to the Senate. In between that time several things happened. In detailing what those things were, YC,AM,ADOS hashtag and their effect HAVE to be credited

Well said.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
You gotta give this Tanton guy credit. The anti-immigration debate is being driven largely by his network of organizations who all seem to be working independently.
I believe FAIR is the main controlling entity, and there's two other prominent Tanton groups called Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA. FAIR seems to be the main source of power of influence.

Here's another article about it.
A radical anti-immigration group infiltrated the GOP. Now it’s in the White House.

The other groups in the network like PFIR are front groups.

Front groups - SourceWatch

A front group is an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned. The front group is perhaps the most easily recognized use of the third party technique. For example, Rick Berman's Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) claims that its mission is to defend the rights of consumers to choose to eat, drink and smoke as they please. In reality, CCF is a front group for the tobacco, restaurant and alcoholic beverage industries, which provide all or most of its funding.

It seems to me the Tanton front groups are modes of disseminating a message tailored to specific groups of people with specific interests. So you have BALA with Jesse Lee c00nerson preaching the gospel of anti-immigration to a black audience, trying to make headway there. PFIR tries to tailor its message to environmentalists. They have another one, I can't remember the name, but it's tailored toward organized labor. Another one for Latinos against illegal immigration. ADOS are crash dummies.

FAIR started off as fringe it seems. The Tanton guy is one weird evil fukk. He seems like an environmentalist and had ties to the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood, so he wasn't always all about the Republicans, though he is not in lockstep with Trump. He voted for Nader I think I read somewhere. He's obsessed with immigration, population control and eugenics and believes in racial pseudoscience and white supremacy. He took a lot of money from the white supremacist/eugenics think tank The Pioneer Fund and publishes white supremacist lierature.

He's been financing hardline anti-immigration Republicans for years, but like so many other fringe white nationalistic characters has found new life in the Trump administration. Kelly Anne Conway, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions are others all have ties to FAIR and they're shaping immigration policy. They drafted SB 1070 in Arizona too.

I think some of these groups have agents here and I'm not joking. The first one that comes to mind is that @xoxodede poster who almost only posts in ADOS threads, has a generic female username, claims her cousin was killed by an illegal, says Ann Coulter can be an ally, and whose posts have the artificial feel of a Perverted Justice worker pretending to be a 13 year old girl in a chat room and is still avoiding this thread after multiple tags.
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A Cop

Jan 18, 2013
I think some of these groups have agents here and I'm not joking. The first one that comes to mind is that @xoxodede poster who almost only posts in ADOS threads, has a generic female username, claims her cousin was killed by an illegal, says Ann Coulter can be an ally, and whose posts have the artificial feel of a Perverted Justice worker pretending to be a 13 year old girl in a chat room and is still avoiding this thread after multiple tags.
:piss: @xoxodede

Shoog Shatmi

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Does anyone know which show it was where she announced her membership in PFIR? If she was on their board in 2016, I assume the show was from 2016 or earlier, but I recall someone saying the show was in 2017.


Aug 6, 2015

Thanks! Many blessings to you and yours! :smile:

@Mephistopheles - thanks for the neg the other day - when I explained my young cousin was killed by an illegal. And calling me a "Cac." The hate and insecurity you offered made me smile. Enjoy your week! :smile:

Oh to both of you non-factors ...

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The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
You just contradicted yourself. First you say that the issue has been off of the table with the dems for 40 years........then you turn around and acknowledge that there's a dem who has been pushing the issue for years. You're just a little ass boy caught up in emotions. Calm down so you can think straight.

If you're so concerned about reparations then why would you disempower the only party who has members even willing to entertain the idea to empower the party who tells you straight up "no chance in hell go fukk yourselves"?

"we forced the dems hands. The only reason that they're talking about reparations is cause we forced their hands.............so to show them we mean business we're going to help empower the party that we have no leverage with who's running on a platform to disempower our community. That'll show 'em."

You're an idiot.

Can you read dummy?


John Conyers was ONE PERSON.

The rest of the party didn't give a shyt for years.

WE are the ones who made the issue mainstream..

The Democratic party didn't do shyt.

ONE PERSON DID and y'all let the hoe ass #METOO brigade chase him out of office.

The Democrats put millions of Blacks in jail, let Wall-Street steal our money, bombed African countries, and destroyed the Welfare that some of us really needed to survive, but you gonna give them credit because one old guy went against the grain and kept pushing a Black agenda, even when his own party ultimately kicked his ass out of office over unsubstantiated claims.

You got to be a brainwashed c00n to believe all your shyt.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Thanks! Many blessings to you and yours! :smile:

@Mephistopheles - thanks for the neg the other day - when I explained my young cousin was killed by an illegal. And calling me a "Cac." The hate and insecurity you offered made me smile. Enjoy your week! :smile:

Oh to both of you non-factors ...


No problem, sir. Any thoughts on all this information posted in the thread?


May 1, 2012
Can you read dummy?


John Conyers was ONE PERSON.

The rest of the party didn't give a shyt for years.

WE are the ones who made the issue mainstream..

The Democratic party didn't do shyt.

ONE PERSON DID and y'all let the hoe ass #METOO brigade chase him out of office.

The Democrats put millions of Blacks in jail, let Wall-Street steal our money, bombed African countries, and destroyed the Welfare that some of us really needed to survive, but you gonna give them credit because one old guy went against the grain and kept pushing a Black agenda, even when his own party ultimately kicked his ass out of office over unsubstantiated claims.

You got to be a brainwashed c00n to believe all your shyt.
You keep repeating John Conyers name and over made it interested to see how much you supported him and his bill before he was caught up and made to retire. Despite the fact that you've been posting since 2012 and Conyers didn't resign until Nov 2017, there are no posts of you supporting dude or his reparations bill until after he resigned. You didn't give a fukk about dude or his bill until after he resigned and the only reason you're bringing him up now is to use him to shyt on the dems.

In fact, you've never really talked positively about reparations period until recently within the last year when it became a troll issue. Before the trolls started using the reparations issue you were talking like this:
None of us gettin' that shyt either.

If Obama aint get you that shyt, then we aint gettin' it
Bullshyt. You were never getting reparations because they'd have to pay us a lot more than they paid those other groups.

Again, the search engine couldn't find posts if you supporting Conyers or his reparations bill before he resigned but I did see you low key shytting on his bill
:russ:Dummy, purposely writing a bill you know won't pass specifically to pacify Black people is the EPITOME of "not doing shyt for Black folks".

You're a little ass boy just running off at the ball massager youvall a mouth. You don't really give a fukk about reparations, you're just a troll just like the 2 idiots who dapped you.