Well thanks ... It's true though. They (
) are coming for social media. That's not theory,
it's reality.
"Advocates of
social media as a public utility believe that the
government should impose restrictions on
social media websites, such as Google, that are designed to benefit its rivals.
[16] Due to the recent substantial growth of social media websites such as Google, advocates claim that such a website "might need search neutrality regulation modeled after net neutrality regulation and that a Federal Search Commission might be needed to enforce such a regime."
Social media as a public utility - Wikipedia
"White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter
‘If you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump’"
White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter
NB. We should throw net-neutrality regulation in there as well....