Days of Future Piff
you PC or something or you still playin Wii games?
The SNES and PS2 are my go-to game consoles.
STEAM helped me catch up on a lot of that SEGA piff I missed out on back in the 90s though
Every now and again I'll break out the 64 or the Gamecube for old-times sake. Melee
The Wii is mostly aside from the Mario Galaxies IMO. I never play that thing anymore
I shoulda gone with the XBOX 360 for that gen, but I'm a Mariohead at heart.
@ORDER_66 posted...
I think it has to be games you really want to play because we have less free time now that we're older... more responsibilities too
This is another part of it. I miss being able to beat games in a weekend, or only needing 30-40 hours to finish an RPG. I'm grown with a job now, I can't be out here pouring my whole life into grinding out 200+ hour RPG's like I used to back when I was in school.