NES - Hand me down from my big cousin with 2 copies of all kinds of shyt from Mario 3 to Ninja Turtles
Skipped the 16 bit era cause fam was broke, played with other fam members SNES tho. I loved SF2 so much brehs
PSX - Getting my own new console was everything. Mad hours playing Crash, Tony Hawk, and Bloody Roar, PS had every genre on lock
Gameboy Color - Asked for this for my birthday on the strength of Pokemon alone, played the OG Marioland joint too
N64 - Console was mid in retrospect. DK Racing, Smash Bros, Star Fox 64, Zelda, and a few other fire games, but overall the PS library shyts on it
PS2 - Had to wait a while after it dropped to get one, but it was worth it. NBA 2K2 and MGS2 were my shyt
GBA - Copped for Pokemon again, loved all the SNES ports like DKC as well.
Xbox - I was one of the only people in my friend group to get an Xbox and I loved it. All the Sega shyt on there was piff. JSRF is still my GOAT
PSP - Bought this off a friend for cheap, used it mostly as a media player and played Tactics on it from time to time. That UMD and memory card format were trash though
PS3 - Bought a broken fat PS3 from a friend, fixed it a couple times and it kept breaking so I just bought a slim. Dope ass system, salute to the games that held us down in the first year dropped (Killzone/Resistance/Oblivion) and there was nothing else to play

and of course GOAtjima for MGS4
PS4 - To be honest I fell off from gaming around this time cause I was heavy into making music. I ended up not using my PS4 at all and giving it to my sister when the Pro came out.
PS4 Pro - I copped this shyt and still didn't use it besides for running 2K cause I was still spending my time making music
Switch - Nintendo won me back with the idea of a handheld you could dock to your TV. The first party games
3DSXL - Bought for Samus Returns and what looked like a dope catalog of games for the console. Then I remembered that I hate handhelds
PS5 - Haven't played PS5 that heavy but I got a back catalog I gotta get through and it's almost tradition to have one in my home at this point
Series X - Microsoft won me back this gen with gamepass, plus dev mode
If were talking consoles that we doubled back to, I copped both Saturn and Dreamcast as an adult cause Saturn was dead by the time I got my PS and I foolishly chose N64 over a Dreamcast.