"Your Honor" Bryan Cranston, Showtime, Season 1 &2 thread


you mad..you big mad..I’m happy..leave me alone
Dec 8, 2014
Big Mo relationship with that singer is so random and unnecessary. It’s like the writers said let’s put some gay shyt in here somehow. The whole relationship go against everything she stood for in the first season. Her business goes sideways because she spending all her time at a club. She backs out of a deal with the cartel that’s gonna help her get her business back on track to buy the club the girl singing at. She put Lil Mo in danger by backing out of drug deal last minute and made him cross his cousin who did a bid for desire after his cousin put his neck on the line getting deal with the cartel. You paid overmarket value for the club. Then she disowns and beat Lil Mo half to death for showing mercy to an innocent boy Eugene and you the reason why his whole family is gone. Without Eugene saving the day, taking that money and bring back to you. You would’ve lost everything you owed. You even said when you handed Lil Mo the bag that’s your life saving in that bag. You would think you would’ve been appreciative towards Lil Mo and Eugene for that because if he’s not there the cops taking that money and you’ll never get it back. All your spots get robbed because you seating at that club. Then the chick hits you with me or the drug trade ultimatum like she ain’t know who was before she started fukking you. Now you wanna marry the chick because she hit you with the when you around me you’re true self nonsense. When her true self is a murderous drug dealer who played a part in multiple innocent black children dying from Kofi to the bombing to the boy overdosing. Spare me the family bullshyt with Lil Mo she had him locked up a animal and toss his ass like a stray dog. Then you want me to believe this type of person is running the black underworld of New Orleans and everybody follows her because they’re scared of her and the mob fears her. Yeah ok :unimpressed: