Between Heat, Saving Private Ryan and Platoon.
It's my personal favorite. I don't think it's THE greatest ever, but I think it's one of them. It's hard for me to just pick one movie and I didn't see anyone mention this one.
Taxi Driver.
Seen it twice and both times it's made me say "geez what did I just watch?"
In a bad way or good way?
Good way. It's a very dope movie but hard to watch at times but it has a lot to say about violence and the nature of it and definitely New York at that time and the mind state of a Vietnam vet. In many ways it's an anti war film and clearly an anti violence film. I'll elaborate in my Death Wish review breh's an impossible task lol
If pressed today, I'd probably say Goodfellas.
But, on another day, I may say The Social Network, Children Of Men, The Sting, There Will Be Blood, For A Few Dollars More or On The Waterfront.
This is a movie forum and I was wondering what everyone's pick is for the greatest movie of all time. I'm not talking about your favorite but what in your opinion is the greatest piece of celluloid ever released in a theater. Here's mine: