Art Barr
you wanna know the worst shyt tho...
you ask for voltron.
you get this tho.
i can lol at this shyt now.
yet back then....
imagine xmas and you get this shyt.
art barr
*fun titan graph rant
now remember, this era.
is parents do not know.
shyt that kids like and kids just got rights.
plus day time tv..a working parent has no idea of at all.
it is very macho and men just do not typically pay attention to children..
they just do is just how it is.
now incomes children's rights...
on top of female rights.
my dad never mistreated my mom's and they act like a new honeymoon couple still.
yet, dad really did not have a real good dad. so he is learning on the fly.
my pops is basically the old nikka on campus like in higher learning.
amoung a bunch of babyboomers.
who get to pose like they know civil rights but really not revolutionary.
so babyboomers are like fake african medallions.
whereas my father is really a real revolutionary and really was there at the dc rallies.
whereas babyboomers are still in high school then.
it may not seem much in a gap of time. yet back is world's apart.
just like the extreme disconnect i have to a kid who only saw ninja turtles and power rangers.
who had no idea of hiphop.
just extreme disconnect.
so depression era and baby boomer parents.
have to finally stop treating you like kids are seen not heard.
i don't even think kids even know what that was like back then now.
like you were a child...
it was worse than when woman being liberated.
women and children had their place.
which meant you were kinda invisible to men.
as a child back then.
plus women were not in like this space to kinda say much.
to make a man a more worldly parent or father.
[this thread starts off with a stealth bomber. so bear with me...i mean my pops wrote the code for the fukk'n thing system analyst for the damn thing].
tv moments of clarity. if you tried..would be met with life is not tv. tv is make believe.
this gen...since 9/11 have had to invest in tv.
as this thing of change to even reality. when was make believe.
art is make believe.
shyt a computer is a pipe dream.
yet here he is.
this system analyst of computers. how a computer rules now.
back then...a computer worker would be viewed.
as a component of make believe suited for mister rogers.
riding a magic trolley...
just to illustrate the difference. plus the fact this gen has no idea.
who mister rogers is more than likely.
not to mention, pops did not get drafted.
after being a military rotc guy.
now i don't know much about my dad although he was there everyday.
just parents did not share whom they were like that back then.
[they deal with this on the goldberg's. when they show the father murray never speak about the past or whom he is. barring a few moments of his past being rarified air].
so you have no idea.
about the levels of irony.
or knowledge your parents know.
all that connection someone could have expressed now.
that is not a normal occurrence in this era.
so your parents are a mystery.
especially mine because my dad is like the desegregated school law excelled black guy.
when they changed race scholastics in america.
plus my moms is the ivy league scholar who turned it down.
to go to a black college.
yet,..they both worked for grumman and northrop.
so there is not much discussion of their adult life because ....shyt classified.
it is kinda like living like peter parker..where you don't know your parents.
after they drop you off for work. they not dead like peter..yet, you got this life.
like peter parker where even ya girlfriend is dead too.
so it is wild...
so you can't be or seem ungrateful to challenge the disconnect...yet i am a rebel and leader.
so me and pops do and will clash frfr.
art barr
so if a parent botched especially your dad.
it was like you were ungrateful and a total engrate to speak up or back.
like you could get the shyt slapped out of you easy.
you got punched all the time on some if they see you.
get tough chest shot type shyt.
that i dunno if other kids experience now.
my other friends father's were a bit more kinda sheepish.
so if my friends came around.
pow,...just blast you in the arm and chest.
toughen up ol school shyt for no reason.
well no reason i know of .
i believe every kid who visited me was kinda fearful.
like pops smacked me upside the head joe.
get used to it breh...
try to figure it out and shape up.
i dunno...i just got cold cocked too.
next time try to steal off on him.
hit yo dad back...hey ..he leaves me alone.
the more i learned to block and slip him with a left cross on his nose.
it just is what is,...
my dad was different and from bmore.
so chicago fathers back then if they were married were a bit more malleable.
unless they were just like a rough man's man nikka from chicago.
which back then...that would have been like a service worker type father.
since my father was a transplant.
plus this computer code guy.
all that technology shyt really did not pay what it pays now.
so my father was smarter than most but not paid anywhere near what an engineer would make.
or anywhere what someone would make now writing code. he made like maybe sixty large.
plus was apart of the mid nineties recession severence package era.
when i was like twenty one in the beginning of the internet boom.
where in like ten months i made double what he made. my commision may be more than his take.
without finishing college workign up from a secretary too tho.
so it is this thing..i don't think people realize about computers and shyt from back then.
not to mention,...he is around asbestos, and actual turbine star trek engine room sized computers with the large control rooms like star trek for real and shyt.
which has secretly poisoned him and he got ol school man pride and not telling nobody too.
no bullshyt..back then...he was in a high tech lab..not making high tech money...
plus he was raised by his father who was an actual george.
he was raised like stfu...kid.
with a grandfather being treated like george.
who was a degreed grown educated black man.
with only an outlet as a george.
so anything my father tolerated or bent on.
he would be quick to lucky i ain't yo grandfather walter.
who was a george. if you know anything about civil rights.
you would be a george was unthinkable to us now to fathom.
so trying to explain like the child dynamic has hordes of disconnect.
plus i do have this burden of art talent.
that back then...
my parents know could lead me to the poor house.
as artists still do not make anything of themselves.
yet back have this prodigy ability meant.
he was going to have to stress being something more than a pauper.
which is all an artist really would be in general.
so there is that....
it is kinda like rodney mullen without that weird social disconnect.
yet you have to be focused and being behind the easel.
he perceived as having focus in something that was worthless.
along with knowing art house theft and shyt.
he was writing code for people from northrop to mickie d's.
so you could walk into mickie d's and he may not have money to get you a happy meal.
while they punching away on the very system and shyt he may have wrote.
kinda like how i had my life stolen from the internet isp game.
where i watch everyone enjoy my i get it now.
as a have no idea of any of this.
so when it came to things. he would get you the best in spec.
yet it may not be the real best product.
like real talk...we would have been a beta house.[if you now vcr's] if he was not in the price bracket to know vhs was cheaper.
so back then...he would support the guy writing the best. who had disconnect to the consumer.
so dumbed down products..he would probably not buy...which is why i think he probably made so many mistakes.
as i got older and understood and lived his pain on a level no one else has.
to his quote...i was given the most valueable deck of worthless cards of any nikka ever born.
which he are too good almost perfectly skilled artist in an idiot's world.
so i get it.
i learned early on at four years of age.
people would steal cheat. do whatever to take from me as a kid with these abilities.
that i would have to fight alone since he would be off experiencing.
the same thing as this system analyst.
who also used to be the best collegiate black sports photographer. back when black college is and was disrespected.
which from his eye to photograph.
i believe is how i got this art talent as a penciler.
which is nuffin more than his genes in a camera lens...trickled down to my finger tips with a busch pencil.
so i understand now i am older.
just how he made all these mistakes.
on trying to see to it...the best coder got their due.
to even music..where the best artist had a sale too.
so i understand a bit of how he could have botched so many simple lists.
to try to make things better.
by buying what may have been the better thing.
it is the same disconnect people have as general consumers of a culture based music in rap.
so hopefully from this people can connect.
just how can someone botch things of this simple nature.
yet have a profound effect with the really good intentions.
it is just like hiphop.
the consumer the general consumer....just has no wherewithal about the culture of hiphop or how it arose.
all they know is the marketed things.
whereas in real reality and culturally. those highly marketed things may not be of actual real sustenance culturally and lack quality.
so i know how he made those mistakes on video games and things as a kid.
even voltron. you buy your child the dangerous shooting weapon toy.
or do you buy the safe three robots instead.
do you buy your child the inferior atari 2600.
or the higher computing processing galaxy.
it is just like rap and culture skilled emcees.
do you buy the wack emcee with the marketing.
or do you buy the actual real emcee.
who made it so there is marketing for the wack emcee.
even in you listen to the protege to a legend.
who really flanked the guy. who made it so people had rap in a gateway form.
or do you go with the ignorant poster toy poser who only knows wack rap.
so i get it....
hopefully one get it.
my father got it tho....
it just took a bit to realize....
lemme just get this black lion to complete this set of lions my son has.
where he can not afford this black lion.
hopefully one day...
you get to too.
now with all that said.
my dad finally did get me the right thing.
y'all get y'all mistakes together and get it right too.
art barr
you ask for voltron.
you get this tho.

i can lol at this shyt now.
yet back then....
imagine xmas and you get this shyt.
art barr
*fun titan graph rant
now remember, this era.
is parents do not know.
shyt that kids like and kids just got rights.
plus day time tv..a working parent has no idea of at all.
it is very macho and men just do not typically pay attention to children..
they just do is just how it is.
now incomes children's rights...
on top of female rights.
my dad never mistreated my mom's and they act like a new honeymoon couple still.
yet, dad really did not have a real good dad. so he is learning on the fly.
my pops is basically the old nikka on campus like in higher learning.
amoung a bunch of babyboomers.
who get to pose like they know civil rights but really not revolutionary.
so babyboomers are like fake african medallions.
whereas my father is really a real revolutionary and really was there at the dc rallies.
whereas babyboomers are still in high school then.
it may not seem much in a gap of time. yet back is world's apart.
just like the extreme disconnect i have to a kid who only saw ninja turtles and power rangers.
who had no idea of hiphop.
just extreme disconnect.
so depression era and baby boomer parents.
have to finally stop treating you like kids are seen not heard.
i don't even think kids even know what that was like back then now.
like you were a child...
it was worse than when woman being liberated.
women and children had their place.
which meant you were kinda invisible to men.
as a child back then.
plus women were not in like this space to kinda say much.
to make a man a more worldly parent or father.
[this thread starts off with a stealth bomber. so bear with me...i mean my pops wrote the code for the fukk'n thing system analyst for the damn thing].
tv moments of clarity. if you tried..would be met with life is not tv. tv is make believe.
this gen...since 9/11 have had to invest in tv.
as this thing of change to even reality. when was make believe.
art is make believe.
shyt a computer is a pipe dream.
yet here he is.
this system analyst of computers. how a computer rules now.
back then...a computer worker would be viewed.
as a component of make believe suited for mister rogers.
riding a magic trolley...
just to illustrate the difference. plus the fact this gen has no idea.
who mister rogers is more than likely.
not to mention, pops did not get drafted.
after being a military rotc guy.
now i don't know much about my dad although he was there everyday.
just parents did not share whom they were like that back then.
[they deal with this on the goldberg's. when they show the father murray never speak about the past or whom he is. barring a few moments of his past being rarified air].
so you have no idea.
about the levels of irony.
or knowledge your parents know.
all that connection someone could have expressed now.
that is not a normal occurrence in this era.
so your parents are a mystery.
especially mine because my dad is like the desegregated school law excelled black guy.
when they changed race scholastics in america.
plus my moms is the ivy league scholar who turned it down.
to go to a black college.
yet,..they both worked for grumman and northrop.
so there is not much discussion of their adult life because ....shyt classified.
it is kinda like living like peter parker..where you don't know your parents.
after they drop you off for work. they not dead like peter..yet, you got this life.
like peter parker where even ya girlfriend is dead too.
so it is wild...
so you can't be or seem ungrateful to challenge the disconnect...yet i am a rebel and leader.
so me and pops do and will clash frfr.
art barr
so if a parent botched especially your dad.
it was like you were ungrateful and a total engrate to speak up or back.
like you could get the shyt slapped out of you easy.
you got punched all the time on some if they see you.
get tough chest shot type shyt.
that i dunno if other kids experience now.
my other friends father's were a bit more kinda sheepish.
so if my friends came around.
pow,...just blast you in the arm and chest.
toughen up ol school shyt for no reason.
well no reason i know of .
i believe every kid who visited me was kinda fearful.
like pops smacked me upside the head joe.
get used to it breh...
try to figure it out and shape up.
i dunno...i just got cold cocked too.
next time try to steal off on him.
hit yo dad back...hey ..he leaves me alone.
the more i learned to block and slip him with a left cross on his nose.
it just is what is,...
my dad was different and from bmore.
so chicago fathers back then if they were married were a bit more malleable.
unless they were just like a rough man's man nikka from chicago.
which back then...that would have been like a service worker type father.
since my father was a transplant.
plus this computer code guy.
all that technology shyt really did not pay what it pays now.
so my father was smarter than most but not paid anywhere near what an engineer would make.
or anywhere what someone would make now writing code. he made like maybe sixty large.
plus was apart of the mid nineties recession severence package era.
when i was like twenty one in the beginning of the internet boom.
where in like ten months i made double what he made. my commision may be more than his take.
without finishing college workign up from a secretary too tho.
so it is this thing..i don't think people realize about computers and shyt from back then.
not to mention,...he is around asbestos, and actual turbine star trek engine room sized computers with the large control rooms like star trek for real and shyt.
which has secretly poisoned him and he got ol school man pride and not telling nobody too.
no bullshyt..back then...he was in a high tech lab..not making high tech money...
plus he was raised by his father who was an actual george.
he was raised like stfu...kid.
with a grandfather being treated like george.
who was a degreed grown educated black man.
with only an outlet as a george.
so anything my father tolerated or bent on.
he would be quick to lucky i ain't yo grandfather walter.
who was a george. if you know anything about civil rights.
you would be a george was unthinkable to us now to fathom.
so trying to explain like the child dynamic has hordes of disconnect.
plus i do have this burden of art talent.
that back then...
my parents know could lead me to the poor house.
as artists still do not make anything of themselves.
yet back have this prodigy ability meant.
he was going to have to stress being something more than a pauper.
which is all an artist really would be in general.
so there is that....
it is kinda like rodney mullen without that weird social disconnect.
yet you have to be focused and being behind the easel.
he perceived as having focus in something that was worthless.
along with knowing art house theft and shyt.
he was writing code for people from northrop to mickie d's.
so you could walk into mickie d's and he may not have money to get you a happy meal.
while they punching away on the very system and shyt he may have wrote.
kinda like how i had my life stolen from the internet isp game.
where i watch everyone enjoy my i get it now.
as a have no idea of any of this.
so when it came to things. he would get you the best in spec.
yet it may not be the real best product.
like real talk...we would have been a beta house.[if you now vcr's] if he was not in the price bracket to know vhs was cheaper.
so back then...he would support the guy writing the best. who had disconnect to the consumer.
so dumbed down products..he would probably not buy...which is why i think he probably made so many mistakes.
as i got older and understood and lived his pain on a level no one else has.
to his quote...i was given the most valueable deck of worthless cards of any nikka ever born.
which he are too good almost perfectly skilled artist in an idiot's world.
so i get it.
i learned early on at four years of age.
people would steal cheat. do whatever to take from me as a kid with these abilities.
that i would have to fight alone since he would be off experiencing.
the same thing as this system analyst.
who also used to be the best collegiate black sports photographer. back when black college is and was disrespected.
which from his eye to photograph.
i believe is how i got this art talent as a penciler.
which is nuffin more than his genes in a camera lens...trickled down to my finger tips with a busch pencil.
so i understand now i am older.
just how he made all these mistakes.
on trying to see to it...the best coder got their due.
to even music..where the best artist had a sale too.
so i understand a bit of how he could have botched so many simple lists.
to try to make things better.
by buying what may have been the better thing.
it is the same disconnect people have as general consumers of a culture based music in rap.
so hopefully from this people can connect.
just how can someone botch things of this simple nature.
yet have a profound effect with the really good intentions.
it is just like hiphop.
the consumer the general consumer....just has no wherewithal about the culture of hiphop or how it arose.
all they know is the marketed things.
whereas in real reality and culturally. those highly marketed things may not be of actual real sustenance culturally and lack quality.
so i know how he made those mistakes on video games and things as a kid.
even voltron. you buy your child the dangerous shooting weapon toy.
or do you buy the safe three robots instead.
do you buy your child the inferior atari 2600.
or the higher computing processing galaxy.
it is just like rap and culture skilled emcees.
do you buy the wack emcee with the marketing.
or do you buy the actual real emcee.
who made it so there is marketing for the wack emcee.
even in you listen to the protege to a legend.
who really flanked the guy. who made it so people had rap in a gateway form.
or do you go with the ignorant poster toy poser who only knows wack rap.
so i get it....
hopefully one get it.
my father got it tho....
it just took a bit to realize....
lemme just get this black lion to complete this set of lions my son has.
where he can not afford this black lion.
hopefully one day...
you get to too.
now with all that said.
my dad finally did get me the right thing.

y'all get y'all mistakes together and get it right too.
art barr