fukk anybody who thought this movie was good, man of steel wasn't close to being this bad.
Superman straight up killed the african guy and seemly enjoyed it at the beginning, I thought it was some kind of dream sequence, but nobody even acknowledged.
People really don't view black people as human lives.
Movie had no plot, which is common in American films today. Nobody even knows what Wonder Woman was doing or what purpose she served.
Lex Luthor had zero motivations, had no idea what he was trying to accomplish in the movie.
superman barely had any speaking lines in a movie that's suppose be about him lol.
batman is just purposely made to be dumb when he has no rational reason to be mad at superman about anything lol, also batman kills criminals yet branding them with a symbol is somehow crossing the line in the eyes of clark kent and alfred lol.
Seriously, Superman returns was better than this shyt. The coat Kevin Spacey wore shyts on anything in this travesty, one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
The best action scene was batman fighting the russian goons, but they already showed that in the trailer lol.
superman doesn't do anything super. No ex-ray vision , no freezing breathe, these are things he did all the time in the Christopher Reeves movies.
Superman is suppose to have speed like the flash lol, can see through buildings, can hear people all around he world, but he gets blackmailed by lex luthor who has his mother lol
Superman suppose to be faster than Goku according to his fan, he should be able to search the city in a minute, he can hear everything and see through walls lol, he time it took him to go batman he should've been able to rescue his mother lol. This is the problem when you have a character who's traits are all created by fan fiction.
He only has powers that suits the situation to put him over another character, but nobody cares when these so called powers he has aren't put to use in situations.
Even in a weak state, a fraction of his power should be enough to knock batman out lol, a regular man can knock batman out because his chin isn't even protected by anything with that iron man suit on lol. He got his ass whooped worst than in superman returns, i mean damn, he got his ass whooped the whole movie. Batman beat his ass, then doomsday beat his ass, let's just face nobody cares about superman. This was batman's movie, superman just happened to be there.
affleck has wayne wasn't believable, he was just ben affleck, besides the one hand to hand scene, the action scenes were just dull. The nightmare scene was just dumb. That flash scene was just, pointless, because it played zero factor in the movie.
This is just a cash grab, zero effort was put into this, the whole movie was in the trailer, which is odd because his movie is long as fukk but nothing happens except the events in the trailer.
They had a funeral for Clark Kent and Superman, you can't bury two bodies at the same time lol. Ben Afflecks dialogue with wonder woman at the end was just straight corn.
Also the score didn't match the scenes, just terrible, DC gonna have to make their own film studio with marvel to make a decent product.
I think you REALLY wasn't paying attention at all.
1. Yes, Superman killed that one African terrorist leader. It was a HUGE deal that set-up the entire plot. Not only was it acknowledge, the ENTIRE SENATE hearing was about that.
2. The movie has one of the simplest plots, but a lot of depth. The plot is simple: Does Earth need someone who is a God in man's image. Lex Luthor views Superman as the ultimate threat to mankind's existence and want Superman out of existence by way of using Batman. That is it. Everything else is subplots that links Luthor being behind everything just to set up the demise of Superman.
3. Wonder Woman's purpose was a subplot to introduce the Justice League. Lex was searching for other metahumans and discovered files on her. She learned about this and wants to get them back because she didn't want to be exposed.
4. Lex Luthor had one motivation. To kill Superman, not just physically, but also what he represented symbolically to people. That's the reason behind the staged African massacre, the suicide bombing at the Senate, and getting the military and government approved exclusive access to Supergirl's ship and Zod's body. As well as manipulating both Batman and Superman to have an automatic dislike, especially with Batman who was determined to end Superman for those same reasons that Luthor believed, but the only difference is Batman wants to kill Superman to save humanity, whereas Luthor wants it for his own selfish desire. Luthor is a narcissist with a superiority complex and even the idea of a God that can rule over man rubs him the wrong way. He takes self-gratification in a man being able to kill or control God. He explains his rationale plenty of times, not just to Superman, but as well as to Senator Finch.
5. The movie IS supposed to be about him, but it is mostly through the perspectives of everyone else. So, of course he wouldn't have many dialogue. This film is an theologian analogy to the Passion of Christ in which Jesus comes in and claims to be a savior of mankind, the people have mixed feelings about him, he's been judged, he is crucified, and in the end it is hinted to his resurrection. The parallels to this and Jesus are quite blatant. So, of course it doesn't have heavy dialogue from Superman himself, it doesn't it... it mostly from everyone else's POV.
6. Batman had every reason to see Superman as a threat. a.) he was there at ground zero and witnessed his own financial building destroyed and his employees killed or paralyzed. b.) he gets a vision and a warning about Superman and how a world under his totalitarian rule would look like (implying the whole INJUSTICE narrative). c.) he discovered the return checks by his former employee with Lex making it look like his former employee didn't have his back then seeing the Capitol building explode with Superman in it. He had motives. And, as suggested by Alfred, since the learning of Superman's existence and how it affected innocent lives that Bruce personally saw get killed, Batman's brutality increase to having zero-fukks. There's no evidence of him bring a killing machine prior to Superman. And even when the sex slave trader was caught... he didn't kill him, just branded him and that was the 1st time Clark heard of Batman's actions and ethics. And not only that, the dream/vision sequence was from an alternate timeline. Lastly, he never went out to try to kill people with the purpose to kill people with the exception of Superman because he firmly believe he needed to be dead. The car chase scene was mostly either incidental or by trafficker's own fault. The warehouse scene... he didn't really kill ANYONE intentionally. He didn't go in there guns blazing on some Punisher shyt. The people who were killed was when dude fell on his own grenade, those who self-inflicted their own deaths, and the head Russian holding Martha Kent which, BTW is literally straight from Frank Miller's TDKR graphic novel and even with that Batman didn't shot him point blank. He shot at the flame torch and that exploded into flames....without truly confirmation of if dude was dead or have extreme degree burns. He's brutal, he's doesn't give a fucck anymore but it's not out seeking to kill with that being the 1st thought.
7. You saying Superman Returns... a movie with zero action. The worst story plot ever in comic book history. And a force-fed love note to Richard Donner. You lose points for that alone.
8. The warehouse scene wasn't shown just a little bit in the trailer, not the full entire thing.
9. Lets start with the fact that Superman was holding back in the fight against Batman. But Superman used his hearing A LOT... he used his speed to get from point A to point B a lot. He definitely used his laser vision which is his deadliest weapon a lot. So what are you talking about? Who CARES if he didn't use his cooling breathe? What purpose would it serve? Lastly, it is very much implied that he used his X-ray vision a number of times. Afterall, it is how he knew who Batman was.
10. Superman used his speed to get anywhere at a blink of an eye. He is capable of all the things you said, except he CANNOT see or hear through LEAD not that means anything. What he also cannot do is read minds. How the hell could he know where his mom IS? Saying to use so-called super hearing. It DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. It's not like he can hear everything everywhere. Even that has limits. That's like Quinn telling Han "We could use the FORCE"... dummy... it doesn't work like that.
11. Again, if he was to find where his mother was within time... she would of been killed. PERIOD. It was that simple. Plus, you dismiss the fact that Lex had a contingency plan and was creating doomsday already and he was using Superman to buy that extra time if Batman wasn't able to do the job.
12. Again, Superman didn't want to fight Batman to begin with. 2nd of all, Batman was in his protective suit that prevents him getting knocked out, and lastly he had extra rounds of Kryptonite gas grenades to ensure Superman can be out of commission. Other words, Batman had PREP-TIME.
13. The Knightmare scene is arguably one of the most important foreshadowing scenes implying INJUSTICE being part of the upcoming Justice League movie.
14. So, the African massacre, the Senate bombing, the Flash visions, the metahuman files, oh and the DEATH OF SUPERMAN is all from the trailers. Okay.
15. Again, not even paying attention Bruce stated the Superman coffin is empty. And the conversation is straight corn? How? Because Bruce told Diana that they need to recruit for form a Justice League due to his own foreshadowed predictions to what's to come?
16. And there it is.... Marvel stan boyisms. But you WB still got your money!