That's the operative word. You can spin it however you want,
It's not a spin. It's a fact.....unless then you wanna talk about the fact Devon Alexander had an easier time with Maidana than BOTH Broner and Floyd
but the only "elite" talent to not beat Chino was Broner.
Broner isn't an elite WW.
And yet, we have cats on here trying to say an ass whooping at the hands of a guy who dropped every fight to anyone worth a damn (Devon, Khan, Floyd) is more impressive than what Spence did Saturday.
That's not what he said, and you're purposely trying to pick and choose (ironically a Floyd stan picking and choosing doesn't surprise me

) which parts of what he's saying to address.
He specifically said he was more impressed with the HEART AB showed and the fact that AB even fought a guy naturally much larger and stronger than him.
Also, fact still remains....Broner is also the only "elite" fighter in the last decade to not TKO or KO Paulie Maglinaggi (Hatton, Khan, Porter, and Garcia)
Broner is also the only "elite" fighter in the last decade to KD Shawn Porter
Broner is also the only "elite" fighter in the last decade to jump 2 divisions and beat a Champion in his first fight in a new division to take the belt
Broner is also the only "elite" fighter in the last decade to win 4 Championships over 4 different weight classes
Broner is also the only "elite" fighter in the last decade to hold 3 Championships in 3 different divisions all within a 1 year span (June 2012...130 Champ. November 2012...135 Champ. June 2013...147 Champion.)
So, if you wanna play a #Facts game.....make sure you have all your #Facts together first:umhuh: