You can kill Tommy as Abby in TLOU2


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
TLOU 2 story was a fukking mess. It’s almost as if they hired some amateur college writers for that shyt.
I still say the first game didn’t need a sequel. One day I’ll force myself to finish 2.


May 2, 2012
:laff: man cut that shyt out

its nothing wrong with enjoying the game, its also nothing wrong with acknowledging the story was too ambitious for the constraints they put on it and it fell flat in some places

Nah breh was right.

The story doesn't really live up to the hype, but there's a crazy amount of people who made countless post about how they refuse to play the game because Abby killing Joel is some type of feminist attack on white men.

There were plenty of huge youtube gaming channels that made dozens of videos shytting on the game because abby killed Joel, half of them never even played it.


Oct 14, 2012
Speaking to the Reddit sub, there are 2, one which was the original games sub, that has now pretty much become the sub for both games/the franchise, this is fairly normal

but the one actually labeled TLOU2 is one of the most bizarre things you’ll ever see, I understand within a first couple of months it being a ground for hate & criticism as the game was new, but I looked over there a few weeks back and more than a full year later it’s exactly the same…EVERYBODY there is in some kind of weird bubble where they are convinced this game is a failure and that everybody in the world feels the same as them that its the worst game in existence, give them any kind of logic on why they are the minority, or why the game was a success & that certain things worked or any kind of praise at all, and prepare to be downvoted to oblivion while being called a ND shill and every other word under the sun lol


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Nah breh was right.

The story doesn't really live up to the hype, but there's a crazy amount of people who made countless post about how they refuse to play the game because Abby killing Joel is some type of feminist attack on white men.

There were plenty of huge youtube gaming channels that made dozens of videos shytting on the game because abby killed Joel, half of them never even played it.
I was cool with Joel but he got what he deserved. Liking a character that's a piece of shyt doesn't make them immune to karma catching up to them.

My problem with TLOU 2 wasn't Joel's fate it's that it's a 40 hour game that should have been maybe 25 hours tops. Wasn't all that interested in Abby's side of the story. I made it to a giant hospital on her side and just lost steam and dropped it. Second Naughty Dog game in a row I dropped as I made it to the part with Sully and a jeep in Uncharted 4 and dropped it.


May 26, 2012
basically exactly this right here

to juxtapose it with another narrative, a lot of people have gripes with how mass effect 2 was the narrative out of the 3 that spent the most time on character building and introductions when thats exactly the type of addition the last of us needed before the plot in part 2

the writers for the last of us tried to do too much in too little time with these new characters in part 2, so they lost a lot of the poise and ambiguity they were able to imbue in part 1

the story had to be mad emotionally manipulative in making you seeing abby as this pure hearted character that was misguided, when the real creative genius in part 1 was the fact that you saw the characters of ellie and joel through their highs and lows and got to make your own judgement about them

in part 2 you basically had to sympathize with abby after seeing her beat joel's shyt in or else you just wouldn't play the game, and the only way to do that was to portray her as a completely different character from the monster she was at that point

I disagree completely. you see Abby through highs and lows too. I just think some people feel it’s manipulative because they don’t buy into Joel’s murder, and they don’t want to be forced to buy in. they want to be able to embrace Ellie’s revenge tour completely, and the game doesn’t give you that option.

For people in that group, I don’t think there is anything the game could have done to make Abby a more compelling protagonist.

Joel’s death didn’t bother me because Joel was not a good person. it was fukked up. but it also felt earned, especially given that he had no regrets about saving Ellie. so I didn’t have an issue with Abby as a result.


Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
I will never understand the hate TLOU2’s story gets. Motherfukkers really can’t come to grips with the basic concept that revenge creates a downward spiral and fulfills nothing.

I don't hate the story, but I fully understand not liking it. The sequencing of the story is god awful, the character motivations are all over the place, the scav sub-story was ineffective for me, and the ending felt unnecessary. :yeshrug:

Is it the worst story ever? No, but it does a lot of things wrong IMO.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Many games. Let's start with Red Dead Redemption.

TLOU2's story was messy as hell.
I’m one those people that didn’t feel like RDR’s story was very good, either game. It’s template rockstar story, of going from place to place doing menial shyt and check listing stuff for 50 hours. It’s almost the same structure of gta. The characters are never that interesting or fleshed out either-to me-there’s barely any plot at all

also TLOU2’s story is no where near 40 hours long. It’s like 25, max.
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eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
:laff: man cut that shyt out

its nothing wrong with enjoying the game, its also nothing wrong with acknowledging the story was too ambitious for the constraints they put on it and it fell flat in some places

its this weird thing with this game where anybody thats critical of it being a step down narrative wise from part 1 is wrong, shyt is mad polarized

its not this paragon of storytelling that folk like to pretend it is, especially compared to the first one

There is nothing ambitious in a story about an end of the world and some white girl is the only cure and some grizzled white guy who lost everything is the only one who can save her. That like 1/3rd of all end of the world books and movies.

There is nothing ambitious in a story where someone gets revenge on someone for killing their family. That's like a third of all asian cinema.

A game that has more characters than the first, with more points of views than the first, and more motivations than the first, is a "step down narrative wise from part 1", which is nothing more than some old ass dude who couldn't stop his daughter from getting clapped up so he goes on a mission with a little girl who he starts to see as his daughter. :mjlol: Gee what an original idea that is.

This is exactly what I am talking about. As soon as the game stopped being some down trodden white guy against the world bullshyt it is, "a step down narrative wise".

What the fukk was the narrative supposed to be ? You done killed the scientist. There isn't going to be a cure that way. What else was Joel supposed to do after that.

Naughty Dog need to go ahead and release that DLC that shows Joel didn't die and he somehow gets back to camp. That shyt would do GTA numbers :mjlol:. That shyt would probably stop school shootings in america for a month or two.

Joel got to be top 3 incel cac hero ever. If Joel told Trump supporters that the election wasn't rigged they would believe him. If Joel told trump supporters to get vaccinated they would get both shots at the same time :russ:


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
There is nothing ambitious in a story about an end of the world and some white girl is the only cure and some grizzled white guy who lost everything is the only one who can save her. That like 1/3rd of all end of the world books and movies.

There is nothing ambitious in a story where someone gets revenge on someone for killing their family. That's like a third of all asian cinema.

A game that has more characters than the first, with more points of views than the first, and more motivations than the first, is a "step down narrative wise from part 1", which is nothing more than some old ass dude who couldn't stop his daughter from getting clapped up so he goes on a mission with a little girl who he starts to see as his daughter. :mjlol: Gee what an original idea that is.

This is exactly what I am talking about. As soon as the game stopped being some down trodden white guy against the world bullshyt it is, "a step down narrative wise".

What the fukk was the narrative supposed to be ? You done killed the scientist. There isn't going to be a cure that way. What else was Joel supposed to do after that.

Naughty Dog need to go ahead and release that DLC that shows Joel didn't die and he somehow gets back to camp. That shyt would do GTA numbers :mjlol:. That shyt would probably stop school shootings in america for a month or two.

Joel got to be top 3 incel cac hero ever. If Joel told Trump supporters that the election wasn't rigged they would believe him. If Joel told trump supporters to get vaccinated they would get both shots at the same time :russ:

Joel is every gamers idea of “my dad can beat your dad up” fantasy for white dudes. To see a chick with muscles come in and cave his shyt in altered their entire reality and they are trapped in that moment for all eternity.

seeing angry joes reaction while trying to play the game proved it to me. These dudes really lost their game daddy fr fr

And I low key judge alot of brehs that have similar strong reactions:mjpls:
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All Star
Apr 4, 2017
There is nothing ambitious in a story about an end of the world and some white girl is the only cure and some grizzled white guy who lost everything is the only one who can save her. That like 1/3rd of all end of the world books and movies.

There is nothing ambitious in a story where someone gets revenge on someone for killing their family. That's like a third of all asian cinema.

A game that has more characters than the first, with more points of views than the first, and more motivations than the first, is a "step down narrative wise from part 1", which is nothing more than some old ass dude who couldn't stop his daughter from getting clapped up so he goes on a mission with a little girl who he starts to see as his daughter. :mjlol: Gee what an original idea that is.

This is exactly what I am talking about. As soon as the game stopped being some down trodden white guy against the world bullshyt it is, "a step down narrative wise".

What the fukk was the narrative supposed to be ? You done killed the scientist. There isn't going to be a cure that way. What else was Joel supposed to do after that.

Naughty Dog need to go ahead and release that DLC that shows Joel didn't die and he somehow gets back to camp. That shyt would do GTA numbers :mjlol:. That shyt would probably stop school shootings in america for a month or two.

Joel got to be top 3 incel cac hero ever. If Joel told Trump supporters that the election wasn't rigged they would believe him. If Joel told trump supporters to get vaccinated they would get both shots at the same time :russ:

this is exactly what im speaking towards, this reads like youre defending against an accusation im not making

joel dying wasnt the issue with this story; i never said it was, so the whole tangent you went on regarding that is irrelevant when the bolded is exactly the issue

there's too much going on, from wlf to the scars to ellie and jessie and dina's plot to abby and her folk and it overextended the agency of the story

the reason the first part was able to take something as cliche as a zombie end of the world type story and make it beloved is because the writers spent an extensive amount of time on the character relations; that just wasnt present in the second one, and it made a lot of supposed emotional moments feel weak and contrived

going back to what i said originally if there was an intermediary game between part 1 and part 2 that introduced and developed abby and her side characters the way part 2 did with haste, almost the exact same plot of part 2 could have been implemented and it would have been much better received

i respect the decision they made with the dual sequencing between abby and ellie but ultimately it didn't pay off as well as it might have if they had gone the "easy" way and just had a game based around abby and her motivations