Elle Seven
I wish I had the ability back in time to learn about the real history of this world
I used to think this exact thing. Surely there must be some way to find authentic recollections of what happened on this planet documented somewhere. I think Nature herself is probably a huge history book, but we simply lack the tools to *read* it objectively, as someone implied earlier with the comment about the ego of modern man.
On a slightly related note, I had a period where I was studying about and *practicing* astral travel, with the intention of visiting the Akashic Records - reportedly a library of all events that have transpired on this plane. It is a place which can only be visited on the higher astral plane, I believe - meaning it could even only be accessed after death only if the person was able to reach a certain level of consciousness in life.
I'm sure there are other people on here which know more about that subject though.
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