I see my people everyday throughout the city, overweight, obese...young cats too usually. It saddens me man...then you got people telling these people "you're beautiful" "you're fine just the way you are". Yo you lying man. You are an accomplice in their eventual death.
Come on bruh, fat people are eating themselves into an early grave and we just sit idly by across the dinner table watching them smashing three plates at the family reunion.
I be wanting to ask some of these guys man like yo do you realize you're eating your lifespan away. Diabetes, heart problems, high cholesterol. We gotta start telling people the truth. This fat shaming movement ..... no bruh. That's not normal. The body is not designed to carry such weight around.
When I see old pics of ancient Africans, Greeks, they are always fit and in shape...very rarely do I see them depicted as fat. America has the highest obesity rate in the world.
Get outside, go running, go exercise, change up your diet. All them fatty foods, put the pork down atleast and drink more water. I hate seeing us in this condition.