You would never see Muslims/Arabs, Jews, Chinese, Italians, Indians, Native Americans, Gays/Lesbians, Feminist and even Africans defending such ignorances. No siree! Those groups I listed would have gone World War 3 on Bieber even if he was 15. They would have forced him to make an national apology. The Gays/Lesbians community would have taken out their AK-47's and went Taliban on him. The Jews...The Jews from Hollyweird would have buried Biebers career and made sure Bieber doesn't see a dime. The Muslims/Arabs would have caused an outrage like what they did with that idiotic Anti-Muslim Video. Native Americans would have gotten on him like they did with Pharell recently.
But African Americans? Our silly ass selves say "he's family and one of us."
What type of group thinks that ass backwards? Like I said other races are venous Vipers while we are the helpless mouses that the Viper prays on. We can't even defend our damn culture. Pathetic.