YES!!!! Nubia-Kemet (aka Egypt) Is Where We ("Niger-Congo"-Bantus) Came From..Own It


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
OP's Argument: Don't believe ANYTHING 'White' people write about Africa ......except for THESE 'White' people that agree with my presupposition that comes from this 'White' guy 80 years ago.​



All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The originator of your entire theory was a CAC.


So are you!.:ufdup: You know who else was? Gerald Massey who said relayed that the Tamahu means "the created white people" was also Caucasian. That means that your Cac ass would not even be welcomed into Kemet. In fact do you what Menthos wrote about Cac's with red hair?


Those whose hair is red, of a certain peculiar shade, are unmistakably vampires. It is significant that in ancient Egypt, as Manetho tells us, human sacrifices were offered at the grave of Osiris, and the victims were red-haired men who were burned, their ashes being scattered far and wide by winnowing-fans. It is held by some authorities that this was done to fertilize the fields and produce a bounteous harvest, red-hair symbolizing the golden wealth of the corn. But these men were called Typhonians, and were representatives not of Osiris but of his evil rival Typhon, whose hair was red.

Red hair - Wikipedia





The IKami called you Cac's Devils, and burned you alive when they saw you. Cac's were NOT allowed in Kemet until Kemet fell, and the mulatto Greeks came in with their new standards. Matheos was the first white man to study in Kemet. Think about Eminem being the first Cac to do something in a black culture like hiphop. They learned our culture, and taught their people who were savage nomads who had recently usurped other black cultures that preceded them in Asia and Europe.

@Dafunkdoc_Unlimited help out your own people Cac​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Aww, poor guy's so befuddled all he can do is be childish on the Internet.

Tell you what, champ, if you're so convinced I'm a CAC, let's Ban Bet. If I'm Black, you take a one day Ban. If not, I'll take a month Ban.

You game or just an Internet p*ssy?



All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Doesn't tell what building he's referring to. Which tomb?​
Well for one you lied about your claim that the temples near the Sphinx were from a different limestone source as the Sphinx. You pulled that claims straight out of your ass.
"Schoch further notes the same heavy precipitation-induced weathering as seen on the walls of the Sphinx enclosure is also found on the core blocks of the Sphinx and Valley Temples, both known to have been originally constructed from blocks taken from the Sphinx enclosure when the body was carved.[10] Though the presence of extensive 4th Dynasty repair work to the Sphinx and associated temples is acknowledged by such Egyptologists as Lehner and Hawass, Schoch contends: "Therefore if the granite facing is covering deeply weathered limestone, the original limestone structures must predate by a considerable degree the granite facing. Obviously, if the limestone cores (originating from the Sphinx ditch) of the temples predate the granite ashlars (granite facings), and the granite ashlars are attributable to Khafre of the Fourth Dynasty, then the Great Sphinx was built prior to the reign of Khafre."[10]"

Sphinx water erosion hypothesis - Wikipedia
You're completely untrustworthy and ill informed. Why are the temples that were definitely built during dynastic times eroded.

The Sphinx was built about 4,500 years ago, not prior to the Saharan 'Wet Phase' chief, so your objection is invalid.
Nope the erosion of the Sphin only could have came during the wet phase of the Sahara.



Also, the Sphinx isn't ONE type of limestone. The main body is carved out of very porous limestone referred to as 'Member II', while the head/neck and Base are much sturdier, 'Member I' & 'Member III'. That's why the erosion is most striking there and not other the buildings around it that did NOT use 'Member II' limestone.

Here's one source of my statements....

The Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP) | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
:martin: Nothing in your source validates your earlier claim that the Sphinx and temples are from separate sources of limestone as yo lied about earlier per my source at the top of this post.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Aww, poor guy's so befuddled all he can do is be childish on the Internet.

Tell you what, champ, if you're so convinced I'm a CAC, let's Ban Bet. If I'm Black, you take a one day Ban. If not, I'll take a month Ban.

You game or just an Internet p*ssy?


Damn it's a lot Cacs sharing your account. You mf's monitor these debates round shift :gladbron::lupe:. I took a quick nap before I handle some work, but your account is active 24/7, because like I said there is a coalition of Cac's who are dedicated to misinforming uneducated blacks on history throughout black platforms. Your non stop account, and unshakable defense of old white western history it makes it quite clear who you are.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
It's actually extremely weak and doesn't prove the Sphinx is older than 4,500 years, or that Sumer was created by Egyptians/Ethiopians, or that Africans sailed to America before Columbus, or anything else you've claimed thus far.​

I know that it's a lot of nikkas taking notes in this thread. Anybody (or internet coalition) this dedicated to defending orthodox racist ass Western history is a Cac. There is an entire forum for racist Cac's who deny that blacks did ANYTHING outside of the Bantu migration, and the civilizations that were in it's path. If you say anything about ancient Kemet being black (which this dude denies by the way), the Olmecs were African, the true extent knowledge that Cac's owe from the Moorish occupation of Europe, the African origins of religion, anything like that Mf's like this Cac;s I've been debating will rally to ban your ass. This forum even puts the African section of history DEADLAST in the section selection, despite it's alphabetical order.

I personally think that anybody denying that Kemet was black should be banned from this forum, because they most certainly a Cac. Y'all better peep whose dapping these mf's. Cacs will defend their lies about history to the death. Without that their falsifications of the truth they know that they cannot control the mind of black man. This is warfare, and these Cac's are strategic.



All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Well, at least he didn't strawman you to death like he's trying on me.​
What strawman? You've attempted to take on so many points throughout this thread, but you got your ass kicked and had to drop every single point that you originally had. :mjlol: I destroyed you on the Olmec argument early in this discussion. I destroyed you on the African origins of Sumer, and proved that the oldest civilizations were Nubia-Kemet rather than Sumer as your eagerly claimed. Your dumb ass knows better than to argue any of those points anymore. :russ:
You've been handled so thoroughly that you can only resort to repeating a logical fallacy (appeal to authority) about one aspect of this argument, and that is the age of the Sphinx. No there aren't any mainstream sources that validate this claim, just like there aren't any contemporary text books that announce the ancient Kemites were black Africans. Despite Cac scholars as a whole not acknowledging these facts to protect the status quo the evidence of the Sphinx's older age is becoming more and more apparent as the argument gains an audience.
As far as the other Cac M-hoe-fool dude is on ignore for being an obvious waste of time, who has ran away from debates at least 2-3 times throughout our exchanges. See the exchange below where he pulled the claim of sickle cell being static out of his ass;

Many scientists have done extensive studies and tests on this. If your hypothesis is true, it would fundamentally change how we view blood disorders around the world. Why don't you show hypothesis to science and get it peer reviewed?

My source

"Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E diseases are inherited conditions characterized by gene mutations that affect the hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in red blood cells, causing the cells to shape themselves abnormally and clump together. These red blood cells are destroyed more quickly than others, resulting in chronic anemia."

Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E Diseases - Blood Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version.

But look at what Mhoshu's dumb ass stated;

Mhofool stated - "2. Sickle cell gene mutations arose spontaneously in different geographic areas, as suggested by restriction endonuclease analysis. In other words, populations in the Gulf Penninsular and Indian Sub-Continent that have sickle cell didn't get from Africans."

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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I've only taken three points, you haven't refuted them, and you've responded with strawmen.



You initially came into this thread with a list of reasons why the Olmecs were not African;

and I ethered you on that;

Your stupid ass fell allllll the way back from that claim after that ass beatin. :lolbron: Then after that you hop straight onto a new contrarian claim (hence you're a Cac troll sent to gaslight) claiming that Sumeria was older than Kemet, and even citing the formative period as evidence of the actual civilization's existence (as though Kemet's formative period is not just as or older than Sumeria's). You and M-hoe-fool completely stopped any claims on Mesopotamia not being related to Bantu, and a subsequent colony of Nubian migrants, after I ethered both of you with this post.

The best exchanges on the subject were from page 15-17 of thread. After I kilt y'all out on those claims, you had to run straight to the appeal to authority logical fallacy as a way to argue against the Sphinx's true 10,000 year plus age. That's all that you could do after that:troll:

It's pointless to debate with a dumbass like you, because all you do is hit and run. You're trying to act like an expert, but your stupid ass actually argued that continuity has been in place in Mesopotamia for 100,000's of years. A classic dunce troll.
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:
Well for one you lied about your claim that the temples near the Sphinx were from a different limestone source as the Sphinx.​

I didn't lie. Check the link and I also posted 2 whole pages from a site that specializes in the Giza Plateau earlier in the thread with similar info.



All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I didn't lie. Check the link and I also posted 2 whole pages from a site that specializes in the Giza Plateau earlier in the thread with similar info.


But you can't post a fukking text from the source to validate your claim. You lied to try to save face, because you have no logical explanation as to how two adjacent limestone structures have weathered from completely different sources (one water and the other wind) while supposedly being constructed in the same time frame. You and your coalition of Cac's on your account need to retire. One lone Negus has destroyed all of y'all. Tell your partners don't even bother when their shift the watch the account comes.
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Jul 24, 2018

My source

"Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E diseases are inherited conditions characterized by gene mutations that affect the hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in red blood cells, causing the cells to shape themselves abnormally and clump together. These red blood cells are destroyed more quickly than others, resulting in chronic anemia."

Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E Diseases - Blood Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version.

But look at what Mhoshu's dumb ass stated;

Mhofool stated - "2. Sickle cell gene mutations arose spontaneously in different geographic areas, as suggested by restriction endonuclease analysis. In other words, populations in the Gulf Penninsular and Indian Sub-Continent that have sickle cell didn't get from Africans."

Dusty hotepery. Why don't you use Green Sahara Sickle source? The same one that refutes your assertions about Ancient Egypt being the source of Y-DNA E-M2 among West Africans and Bantus