YES!!!! Nubia-Kemet (aka Egypt) Is Where We ("Niger-Congo"-Bantus) Came From..Own It


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Wrong.....again. Homo ergaster left Africa 1.75 million years ago. They branched into Asian homo erectus 1.6 million years ago.

That is not AMH you dumb fukk. Let the big boys handle this discussion man.

He is wrong about everything. If his claims were valid, they'd be standard education for up-and-coming archaeologists.

Juvenile retorts. By your logic then Ancient Kemet was not black, because it is not taught in modern standard Western education. This is what's being passed off as the ancient Egyptians in public schools however, so it must be valid according to you.​


Instead, he's pretty much regarded as a 'kook'.

By who? He's one of the most frequent guest on the World's most watched podcast. For this exposure support for his "theories" have exploded in the last few years. Robert Bauval who makes similar arguments has also gained popularity through this medium as well.

Water isn't the only force of erosion and your assertion was answered, you just didn't read it.
What force of erosion eroded the Sphinx, but DID NOT erode any of the other's structures that date to the same period or earlier? You make no sense. The Sphinx clearly predates dynastic Kemet, and was eroded during the much earlier wet period. This logically implies that it was built during a time much earlier than that.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:
That is not AMH you dumb fukk.

Didn't say it was. I said there were several migrations out of Africa and proved it. I also proved they were out there 'hundreds of thousands of years' before Kemet.​

Asante said:
Juvenile retorts.
I know YOU ain't talking.
Asante said:
By your logic then Ancient Kemet was not black, because it is not taught in modern standard Western education.
False. Calling them 'Black' is anachronistic and racist.
Asante said:
By who? He's one of the most frequent guest on the World's most watched podcast. For this exposure support for his "theories" have exploded in the last few years.

Being a frequent guest on a podcast doesn't mean (or prove) what you're saying is correct. His 'theories' exploded due to youtube......just like Flat that doesn't mean anything, either.

Asante said:
What force of erosion eroded the Sphinx, but DID NOT erode any of the other's structures that date to the same period or earlier? You make no sense.

Dafunkdoc_Unlimited said:
Those water fissures were caused by rainfall which STILL fell in the region. Some people are under the impression that the area didn't receive any rainfall at all, but the truth of the matter is, the rainfall was just not as plentiful. Also, the surrounding buildings in the area of the Sphinx and pyramids don't suffer from the erosion/fissures since they aren't on the plateau which is sloped to cause waterfalls into the basin containing the Sphinx.

The fissures and erosion marks are only on ONE side of the Sphinx: the same side that slopes.

The real issue facing archaeologists is when did humans begin establishing settled communities instead existing as groups of hunter/gatherers. The major consensus is between 15,000 - 10,000 years ago.

Asante said:
The Sphinx clearly predates dynastic Kemet, and was eroded during the much earlier wet period.

That wouldn't be possible since the Sphinx wasn't built until about 4,500 BCE, not 10,000+ years ago.​


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Didn't say it was. I said there were several migrations out of Africa and proved it. I also proved they were out there 'hundreds of thousands of years' before Kemet.​

You're so slow on this topic. You have no clue how unrelated the migrations of the OOA are to the foundation of ancient civilizations that came tens of thousands of years later. So Humanoids not AMH's have been found throughout the World from millions of years ago. Do you really not understand how irrelevant that is to anything regarding human civilization? Do you really?

False. Calling them 'Black' is anachronistic and racist.

No it's not, and they have done it. They simply do not relay their own confessions in those publications to general education. This is something that you have to actually dig up to learn about.​

Being a frequent guest on a podcast doesn't mean (or prove) what you're saying is correct.
You said that he was shunned as "cook", but then you don't have anything to say when pointed out that his theories are well received by the general audience of an immensely popular and "somewhat" relatively (to typical Cac programming) conscious individual. The theories clearly make sense to many many people. The evidence of his theories (erosion of the statue in the middle of the desert that could only be caused by consistent rainfall) have yet to be contested by your own "thorough" sources.

That wouldn't be possible since the Sphinx wasn't built until about 4,500 BCE, not 10,000+ years ago.

You lost this debate, and can only repeat silly Western rhetoric at this point.
Feb 10, 2017
You're asking why is accurate history important, and that is a question that only a dumb ass would ask. No one from any other race asked why knowing their history is important. Only the dumbasses from our race (or perceived to be from our race...agents) ask that shyt.
I have a hard time believing that Africans, who won't even unite around something as plain as phenotype, would suddenly put aside their differences over ancient history--something that is abstract and by definition limited to a distant past.

Africa remains in squalor because of the disunity that facilitated ever since our collective departure from our unified fronts in Northeastern Africa (Nubia-Kemet). That's why knowing your history is importance dumbass.
We were NEVER united. I think Egyptian influence throughout Africa cannot be denied, but we didn't all come from Northeast Africa. I think that Egyptians travelled throughout the continent, spreading their knowledge and intermarrying with local populations. But they were never the majority anywhere they went, not even close. That's why local ethnic groups were able to retain distinct cultures, languages, phenotypes, etc, with only traces of Egyptian influence. Saying we all came from Egypt denies the complexity and diversity of Africa.

No dumbass they don't debate what is universally known about their history.
So every ethnic group in Africa claims descent from Egypt now?

I think it's great that you are passionate about Egyptian history, but you're not benefitting black people much by arguing with people over the internet. Try putting your passion to good use by volunteering at your local black community centre or social services hub. That's what I do. Share your passion with black children and youth, give them a reason to hold their heads up high.

I don't disagree fundamentally with associating black people with Egypt But I do think that both Africentrists and mainstream white Egyptologists simplify things a bit. I think that the truth is a lot more complex and a lot more interesting than any of us realises.
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:
You're so slow on this topic. You have no clue how unrelated the migrations of the OOA are to the foundation of ancient civilizations that came tens of thousands of years later.

That has no bearing on what I stated.​

Asante said:
No it's not, and they have done it. They simply do not relay their own confessions in those publications to general education.
Nonsense. You're using the term the same way racists do which is invalid.​

Asante said:
You said that he was shunned as "cook", but then you don't have anything to say when pointed out that his theories are well received by the general audience of an immensely popular and "somewhat" relatively (to typical Cac programming) conscious individual. The theories clearly make sense to many many people. The evidence of his theories (erosion of the statue in the middle of the desert that could only be caused by consistent rainfall) have yet to be contested by your own "thorough" sources.

General audiences aren't archaeologists. No matter how 'popular' his ideas are, they have no evidence backing them that isn't ad hoc and complete conjecture.
Asante said:
You lost this debate, and can only repeat silly Western rhetoric at this point.

This wasn't a debate. This was your attempt to push pseudoscience and failing, miserably. Also, Hancock's theories have been refuted for a while....​

Graham Bruce Hancock (born 2 August 1950) is a British writer and journalist. He is known for his pseudoscientific theories involving ancient civilisations, Earth changes, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths, and astronomical or astrological data from the past.

Hancock's works propose a connection with a 'mother culture' from which he believes other ancient civilisations sprang. An example of alternative archaeology, his work has neither been peer reviewed nor published in academic journals.
He's a pseudoscientist and your entire argument is invalid.

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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
General audiences aren't archaeologists. No matter how 'popular' his ideas are, they have no evidence backing them that isn't ad hoc and complete conjecture.

That may be true, but you personified his theory as lacking any support whatsoever. He in fact is not the first source that I have heard bring up the issue of the Sphinx true age, based on the water erosion on it's side. This issue is something that none of the critics have explained in their dismissals of his theory.

This wasn't a debate. This was your attempt to push pseudoscience and failing, miserably. Also, Hancock's theories have been refuted for a while....

He's a pseudoscientist and your entire argument is invalid.


Dude quit it. You don't understand the most concepts of what Western scholarships refers to as human evolution to even begin to try to debate someone like me on this. You're going to trope ANY criticizing piece against his theory, because you are loyal to a Biblical based ideology that his findings readily debunk. The most basic question about the erosion of the Sphinx is something that nor of your sources have yet to explain. They attack the Doomsday clock theory, but not the common sense archaeology, and because you don't understand the shyt that you're plastering as proof than it would a waste of time to ask you to give your own explanation for the water erosion that is ONLY on the Sphinx.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I have a hard time believing that Africans, who won't even unite around something as plain as phenotype, would suddenly put aside their differences over ancient history

Hmmm you were saying that ancient history was essentially irrelevant, and I said that only a dumbass would say something like that. How you came to this statement is a mystery.

We were NEVER united.

From linguistic and biological evidence we see groups ranging Nilotic, to Bantu, to Cushytic, to Twa, to even Dravidians all present in this region during the formative period of these civilizations, and points directly after. That is the great indigenous African diversity of ancient Northeast Africa that Bio-Geneticist SOY Keita describes in his frequent works on the subject;

These black Africans who were united under the same banner drove out and protected that quadrant of Africa for thousands of years from the nomadic pale Cac savages that they wrote about so frequently.

I think Egyptian influence throughout Africa cannot be denied, but we didn't all come from Northeast Africa

The title of this thread SPECIFIES "Niger-Congo/Bantu" as the topic of interest, and those are specified because they are who we Africans in America are most closely related to. The Bantu E M2 lineage is the brother of E M35 (Cushytic marker) under the father Pn2 clade, where in the fukk did the Pn2 clade originate if not Eastern (great Lakes)-Northeastern Africa? The Bantu is the topic of interest here. For the record Southern Africa appears to be the original spot of humanity.

I think that Egyptians travelled throughout the continent

Be specific in locations that they traveled. All this vague talk is a cop out. Let's get detailed.

spreading their knowledge and intermarrying with local populations.

So what genetic evidence supports a phantom population no longer seen in modern day Egypt spreading from that region, and throughout Super Saharan Africa? Shouldn't there be a defining genetic marker of the ancient Egyptians that we see in these modern populations in Western Africa that still practice the Djed ceremony or still mummify their nobles? The Bantu/Niger-Congo marker E-M2 has been found in ancient Kemetic remains, but no phantom genetic marker. The spreading of Bantu populations into Super Saharan Africa carrying the same paternal markers found in ancient Kemetic remains, and the same Benin sickle cell found in pre-dynastic mummies would make more sense given the actual evidence.

That's why local ethnic groups were able to retain distinct cultures, languages, phenotypes, etc, with only traces of Egyptian influence.

You really must not understand that ancient Kemet was broken down into 42 distinct nomes of city-states. They formed a conglomeration that they called Kemet. These city states represented distinct tribes that are now found throughout Super Saharan Africa. The ultimate proof of this argument is in the very names of some of Super Saharan Africa's largest populations;

Ethnic names in the Mdu Ntr​
  • Tutsi
    Tutsi "the assembled gods"; "all of them (gods)"

    Akan - the name of a god
    Akaniu - a class of gods like Osiris

    Fante - "he of the nose" - a name of Thoth - one of the 42 judges in the Hall of Osiris ("Shante" in modern Egyptian)

    Hosa - a singing god

    Ourbaiu - great of souls, a title of gods or kings
    Ouruba - Great God of soul​
Does it make sense now? These translations in their very tribal names would not be possible is these groups had no affinity with ancient Kemet. That's just a few groups of that list? The nomes of ancient Kemet were distinct and had their own tribal practices, and did not require an all out mixture. If you know anything about Kemet one of the things that distinguishes it from other ancient civilizations is it's relative lack of urban areas, which would explain how these groups retained their tribal identities with few areas to mix.

Saying we all came from Egypt denies the complexity and diversity of Africa.

That's a strawman for one, and in the context of my actual argument no it does not.

So every ethnic group in Africa claims descent from Egypt now?

Another strawman.

I think it's great that you are passionate about Egyptian history, but you're not benefitting black people much by arguing with people over the internet. Try putting your passion to good use by volunteering at your local black community centre or social services hub.

Jul 24, 2018
Incorrect. Asar Imhotep has done a great job at narrating a new concrete foundation for African linguistics, and particularly Bantu. Bantu was clearly spoken in ancient Sumer as shown in his examples below.

"ABOUT THE AUTHOR: GJK Campbell-Dunn (frm Sumerian Grammar 2009)

Graham Campbell-Dunn was awarded his MA in Classics with First Class Honours by the University of New Zealand and went to Cambridge on a Postgraduate Scholarship, where he studied under the comparativists W. S. Allen and R. G. Coleman. His eminent teachers also included John Chadwick who worked on the Linear B decipherment and the linguist John Lyons, a former student of Noam Chomsky.

After lecturing at the NZ universities Graham retired in 1991 to devote his time to research into the African origins of the classical and related languages. His interest in Italian theories of Mediterranean substrate lead him to study the work of the Niger-Congo comparative scholars D. Westermann and H. Mukarovsky. His researches have cast new light on Minoan Linear A, Etruscan, Basque, Indo-European and now Sumerian. Graham is the founder of Template Theory, a radical new hypothesis concerning syllabic structure and lost sound replacement in early African languages.

This book applies the comparative method to prove that Sumerian is not a language isolate. It is related in its vocabulary, grammar and phonology to the Niger-Congo group of languages. The relationship is particularly close for languages of the Mande group, with which it shares OV word order and erosion of the original Niger-Congo noun prefixes. Niger-Congo suffixes can also be identified, such as the postposed article in –la, -a, -al and the old Niger-Congo definite in –ri, -di.

ni, nitah “man”“man”
eme “tongue”.....(d)eme.....“tongue”
lu “male”“head”, “chief”
ĝin “to go”“go”
ki “earth”.....cí.....“earth”
aba “who ?”.....(a)-ba.....“someone”
bi “speak”.....bil.....“tell”
pa “wing”.....papa.....“wing”
da “side”.....tá.....“thigh”
tir “forest”.....ti.....“tree”
kár “encircle”.....ka.....“ring”
me6 “to make”“to make”
mu “to burn”.....mudi.....“torch, bright”
hul “destroy”.....kú,kúá.....“kill”
a-rà “road’.....njila.....“road”
ĝír “sword”, si “horn”.....kin “needle”, & cín.....“horn”
zú “tooth”.....dum.....“to bite”

The Sumerian silent determinatives (really classifiers), about 55 of which are used with certain nouns, have all now been assigned Niger-Congo etymologies. Thus uru, iri “det. with towns” is Niger-Congo lu, li, (ru, ri) “head” (compare English “capital”), with a Niger-Congo vocalic prefix before the root. Likewise ki “det. with places” is Niger-Congo gi,, ki, kyi, ci “village, settlement”. Even sik, siki “det. for wool etc” is a Niger-Congo word for “hair, fur” applied to wool. The clarification of this large grammatical system clinches the argument, and sheds new light on the early structure of Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan languages.


We should also note the conclusions given by Campbell-Dunn who, just like Dr. Winters, comes to the conclusion that Sumerian is closely related to Mande. Campbell-Dunn doesn't appear to be familiar with Dr. Winters work, nor does he reference any of his works. Therefore, this is an independent analysis with the same conclusion. Which means that one may have to look at Dr. Winter's works a little more carefully before offhandedly dismissing said works."

Asar Imhotep has demonstrated this through his own comparisons based on what is perhaps the only African language to be reconstructed "Negro-Egyptian" (Theophile Obenga) by Mboli. Keep in mind that not one of the other African language families (even Niger-Congo) have never been reconstructed to a common ancestor. Alot of Africanist (including myself) used assumptions on the validity on these language families that we readily identify. This is African linguistics from scratch.


In Hermstein's book the biological evidence is examined​

Again that is another false dismissal on your behalf. The presence of "BENIN" (West Africa) sickle cell found in Dravidian Indian sickle cell carriers cannot be explained by anything recent like a slave trade. Those same Dravidian Indians were responsible for the main peopling of ancient Sumer. Dr. Clyde Winters breaks this down below;

"The Dravidian and Sumerian people share cultural and linguistic features with Africans [10-14]. The archaeological evidence suggest that the Dravidian people belonged to the C-Group people of Nubia and migrated to India 5kya [9,10-11]. The Dravidian origination in Nubia, the original home of the Niger-Congo speakers who carry the Benin and Senegal HbS would explain the existence of African HbS haplotypes in India. These haplotypes in India suggest that they already existed among Dravidian and Niger-Congo speaking populations before they separated 5kya.

The HbS chromosome haplotypes of the Indian Tribals were Arab-Indian with 25% of the haplotypes
possessing the epsilon polymorphic site identical to the Senegal
6b. The Senegal and Indian sickle cell
share haplotypes [8]. The Arab-Indian and Senegal haplotypes share the C!T mutation at position -158

In India the Benin HbS is the most common haplotype in western India. To account for the presence of this haplotype in India researchers argue that African slaves took this gene to India."

There are problems with this theory.The major problem with the slave trade solution for the transmission of the Benin haplotype to India, is that the African slaves in India are mainly of Somali-Ethiopian origin—not West African origin . In addition, the vast majority of dravidian carriers of SC are Dravidian Tribal populations who have had little contact with non-Indian groups for millenia.​

In order for you to say that robotic retarded indenial bullshyt, you would have had to completely ignore the evidence that I had presented a few post back about the red and black pottery trail from Nubia into Sumer all the way over into India.


"Archaeological research has confirmed that cultural interaction existed between the contemporary civilizations of the 4th and 3rd millenia B.C. Extensive trade routes connected the Proto-Dravidians of the Indus Valley, with African people in Egypto-Nubia, and the Elamites and Sumerians. P. Kohl discovered that vessels from IVBI worshop at Tepe Yahya, have a uniform shape and design. Vessels sharing this style are distributed from Soviet Uzbekistan to the Indus Valley, and Sumerian, Elamite and Egyptian sites. (2) In addition, we find common arrowheads at Harappan sites, and sites in Iran, Egypt, Minoan Crete and Heladic Greece.
It appears that the locus for this distribution of cultural traditions and technology was the Saharan-Nubian zone or Kush. This would explain why the Sumerians and Elamites often referred to themselves as “ksh”. For example the ancient Sumerians called their dynasty “Kish”. The words “kish”, “kesh” and “kush” were also names for ancient Nubia-Sudan.
The Elamites also came from Kush. According to the classical writer Strabo, Susa the centre of the Elamite civilization was founded by Tithonus, king of Kush.
B.B. Lal has shown conclusively that the Dravidians came from Nubia and were related to the C-Group people who founded the Kerma dynasty.(3) They both used a common black-and-red ware (BRW) which Lal found was analogous to ceramics used by the megalithic people in India who also used analogous pottery signs identical to those found in the corpus of Indus Valley writing. (4)

Singh believes that this pottery spread from Nubia, through Mesopotamia and Iran southward into India.(5) The earliest examples of this BRW date to the Amratian period (4000-3500 B.C.).
This same BRW was found at the lowest levels of Harappan sites at Lothal and Rangpur. After 1700 B.C. This ceramic tradition spread southward into megalithic India.(6) It is also found in Uzbekistan and China.

List of Sources

You are entirely too dedicated to maintaining the illogical white status quo of history for me to consider anything other than an agent. It should be clear to anybody following this thread that your complete dedication to orthodox white Western history (including the bantu migration from Cameroon) that you are a Cac.

What the fukk are you talking about? The reference to Nubia as "aEthiopia" is a Greek thing. The reference to Ethiopia just like Ta-Neteru was used for the same region by the Ikami is EVERYTHING IN AFRICA OUTSIDE OF KEMET. The ancient Ikami called this land of Nubia "Punt" or "Ta Neteru" as the land of the Gods, and their homeland. The same "Ethiopian" homeland that the Greeks went to validate themselves, and were told by the Ethiopians (Nubians dumbass) that the ancient ikami were simply colonist sent Northward from their Nubian land (hence the Nubian origins of Kemet). The quote from Wallis Budge that made you shyt yourself, was in reference to Nubia's expanded dominion that went well past Sudan proper to include all of West, South and Central Africa, as well as the adjacent Arabian peninsula, and Indian Sub Continent to the East. These people all had a common origin with the populations of Nubia.

Again you lousy bytch your denial is unwarranted. You cite nothing more than Wikipedia text for your 2,500 year claim of the Olmec civilization. The actual text that states this from Wikipedia state this;

The Olmecs flourished during Mesoamerica's formative period, dating roughly from as early as 1500 BCE to about 400 BCE. "Pre-Olmec cultures had flourished since about 2500 BCE, but by 1600–1500 BCE, early Olmec culture had emerged,"

What the fukk does "Pre-Olmec culture" mean to you, and especially when the statement is followed by an emergence in actual Olmec culture a millennium later? Your reading comprehension skills are horrendous. What are you attributing to "PRE-olmec" culture, which means that there was no civilization or formative civilization at that time dumbass.

The HYSKOS who impeded on the order already established by the Africans of Northern Kemet and the adjacent Canaan drove those Africans out of the region with their hostile behavior including enslavement. This hostile takeover of Northern Kemet and Canaan occurred ironically during the same time that the formative periods of not only the Olmec civilization, but the Nok civilization of West Africa


as well took place. The invasion that brought the Africans from Kemet over in the America's to establish civilization was the Hyskos hostile takeover (not really an invasion" of the 18th-17th century.

My god the gish-galloping nonsense never stops with you.

1. Pre-Olmec culture is the foundation of Olmec culture. The fact that you are attribute Olmecs to fleeing Egyptians without any archaeological, linguistic and genetic evidence is laughable. Where is the 16th century BCE Egyptian artefacts? Where's the 16th century BCE Egyptian genetics among the Maya?
2. Sickle cell gene mutations arose spontaneously in different geographic areas, as suggested by restriction endonuclease analysis. In other words, populations in the Gulf Penninsular and Indian Sub-Continent that have sickle cell didn't get from Africans.
3. Kush and Aethiopia were different geographic regions in ancient and classical times.
Kingdom of Kush - Wikipedia
Kush (satrapy) - Wikipedia

Aethiopia, many times meant the whole of Africa or at least south of the Egyptian Nile. It did include Kush but Aethiopia and Kush weren't synonymous.
Aethiopia - Wikipedia

The rest of you shyt is so laughably bad that I won't touch it.
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:
That may be true, but you personified his theory as lacking any support whatsoever. He in fact is not the first source that I have heard bring up the issue of the Sphinx true age, based on the water erosion on it's side.

He's not an archaeologist or researcher. He's not a scientist at all. He's a journalist and a crackpot. He has no support in the science community at all. The reason he isn't the first you've heard spout that nonsense is because he plagiarized his entire theory from French alchemist René Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz, and science-fiction writer John Anthony West.​

Asante said:
Dude quit it. You don't understand the most concepts of what Western scholarships refers to as human evolution to even begin to try to debate someone like me on this. You're going to trope ANY criticizing piece against his theory, because you are loyal to a Biblical based ideology that his findings readily debunk. The most basic question about the erosion of the Sphinx is something that nor of your sources have yet to explain. They attack the Doomsday clock theory, but not the common sense archaeology, and because you don't understand the shyt that you're plastering as proof than it would a waste of time to ask you to give your own explanation for the water erosion that is ONLY on the Sphinx.

LOL @ being 'loyal to a Biblical based ideology'. Nice attempt to 'poison the well', but utter usual. As I stated in the other post and the links, water erosion isn't the ONLY source for the wear on the Sphinx. You really didn't read anything and debating isn't what's happening here as you're referring to a pseudoscience-purveyor for support and don't understand science at all.....


The most successful modem purveyor of the hidden history concept is British journalist turned anomalous history investigator Graham Hancock. His works include The Sign and the Seal (1992) and Fingerprint of the Gods (1995), in which he argues that a lost, great civilization thrived prior to the beginning of the current written record and that it is the basis of all later civilizations. As with all hidden history aficionados, Hancock
holds to the line that experts and other
academics (he has no training in science
or archaeology) are engaging in a major
cover-up of humanity’s golden past. He
sees himself as part of a noble coterie of
amateur investigators who are all that
stands between humankind and the forces
of darkness. He takes a catastrophist view
of human history, arguing that the human
experience has been altered, destroyed,
and begun by various violent and sudden
geologic changes in the form of earth-
quakes, floods, and pole shifts. The most
recent such pole shift occurred around
10,450 BC and was responsible for the de-
struction of most of the golden civiliza-
tion and the scattering of the survivors,
who became the gods of ancient mythol-
ogy and religion.

--pg. 82

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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
1. Pre-Olmec culture is the foundation of Olmec culture.

bytch PRE- Olmec culture, is NOT the formative period of Olmec culture. The Wikipedia article that you used exclusively for your evidence of an Olmec timeline (for which they even only had one source) doesn't even have an article for "PRE-Olmec" culture, because it's some shyt that some Wiki editor made up to expand the time frame of the civilization. See what real source have to say about the Xi/Olmec timeline

"Olmec, the first elaborate pre-Columbian civilization of Mesoamerica (c. 1200–400 BCE) and one that is thought to have set many of the fundamental patterns evinced by later American Indian cultures of Mexico and Central America, notably the Maya and the Aztec."

Olmec | Definition, History, Art, Artifacts, & Facts

"Evolution of Maya culture
Olmec 1200-1000 B.C.
Early Preclassic Maya 1800-900 B.C.
Middle Preclassic Maya 900-300 B.C." - Mystery of the Maya - Maya civilization timeline

"The Archaic Period: 7000-2000 BCE – During this time a hunter-gatherer culture began to cultivate crops such as maize, beans and other vegetables and the domestication of animals (most notably dogs and turkeys) and plants became widely practiced. The first villages of the region were established during this period which included sacred spots and temples dedicated to various gods. The villages excavated thus far are dated from 2000-1500 BCE.

The Olmec Period: 1500-200 BCEThis era is also known as the Pre-Classic or Formative Period when the Olmecs, the oldest culture in Mesoamerica, thrived. The Olmecs settled along the Gulf of Mexico and began building great cities of stone and brick. The famous Olmec heads strongly suggest highly sophisticated skill in sculpture and the first indications of Shamanic religious practices date from this period. The enormous size and scope of Olmec ruins gave birth to the idea that the land was once populated by giants. Though no one knows where the Olmecs came from, nor what happened to them, they lay the foundation for all the future civilizations in Mesoamerica."

Maya Civilization

The typical dating for the Olmec civilization is 1,200 BC, while the formulation period of the Olmec civilization has been postulated to stretch back to 19th century BC at the most.

The fact that you are attribute Olmecs to fleeing Egyptians without any archaeological, linguistic and genetic evidence is laughable. Where is the 16th century BCE Egyptian artefacts?


Where's the 16th century BCE Egyptian genetics among the Maya?

Another piece of little known evidence of the "Niger-Congo" strain of Africans coming to the America's is the finding of sickle cell anemia in ancient Mayan remains. Sickle Cell Originated in Sudanese Nubia, just like the Niger-Congo/Bantu Speakers;





Once again notice how the distribution of sickle cell correlates almost perfectly with the location of Niger-Congo speaking populations, whom Sarah Tishkoff's massive study acknowledges as a genetic entity rather than an arbitrary linguistic grouping.


A.6' 7,11 X-ray findings of the
skulls in Mayan Indians were suggestive of sickle
cell disease.20 It has also been described in Mexicans.

The sickle cell trait was found in 7.3 per cent
of a series of over eight thousand Negroes,9 with
a higher percentage in South African natives.10



2. Sickle cell gene mutations arose spontaneously in different geographic areas, as suggested by restriction endonuclease analysis. In other words, populations in the Gulf Penninsular and Indian Sub-Continent that have sickle cell didn't get from Africans.

You are so full of shyt. Sickle Cell is an inherited blood disorder dumbass. It does not appear statically, as Cac's want us to believe in face of sickle cell and sickle cell related blood disorders being seen throughout the black populations of Africa (Niger-Congo), the Near East, the America, South & Southeast Asia, Australia and the mulattoes of Europe;


The Cac's cannot deny our obvious relatedness when inherited blood disorders are present in all of these black populations around the World. As shown above sickle cell clearly is associated with the Niger-Congo speaking populations of Africa, and that being the case as my source presented above also states Sickle Cell Originated in the Sudan-Nubia (which is ironically where the Niger-Congo) population originated.


3. Kush and Aethiopia were different geographic regions in ancient and classical times.
Kingdom of Kush - Wikipedia
Kush (satrapy) - Wikipedia

Aethiopia, many times meant the whole of Africa or at least south of the Egyptian Nile. It did include Kush but Aethiopia and Kush weren't synonymous.
Aethiopia - Wikipedia

So Kush and Nubia were not synonymous according to you, but the expansive domain of Kush that Wallis Budge acknowledge extended into Asia in ancient times having ASIAN locations NAMED AFTER KUSH is not evidence that Kush and Nubia were synonymous according to you?

It appears that the locus for this distribution of cultural traditions and technology was the Saharan-Nubian zone or Kush. This would explain why the Sumerians and Elamites often referred to themselves as “ksh”. For example the ancient Sumerians called their dynasty “Kish”. The words “kish”, “kesh” and “kush” were also names for ancient Nubia-Sudan.
The Elamites also came from Kush. According to the classical writer Strabo, Susa the centre of the Elamite civilization was founded by Tithonus, king of Kush.

List of Sources
You've been getting your ass beat point by point throughout this entire thread. Give it up Cac agent. You're not fooling anyone in this thread. That's why no one has yet to your replies any real love.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
He's not an archaeologist or researcher. He's not a scientist at all. He's a journalist and a crackpot. He has no support in the science community at all. The reason he isn't the first you've heard spout that nonsense is because he plagiarized his entire theory from French alchemist René Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz, and science-fiction writer John Anthony West.​

LOL @ being 'loyal to a Biblical based ideology'. Nice attempt to 'poison the well', but utter usual. As I stated in the other post and the links, water erosion isn't the ONLY source for the wear on the Sphinx. You really didn't read anything and debating isn't what's happening here as you're referring to a pseudoscience-purveyor for support and don't understand science at all.....



Yeah you're only talking just to talk at this point. Your original point of dispute in this thread has been nullified through me educating you on the topic. Now you want to argue about the credibility of author of a theory, rather than actually dispute his evidence because YOU cannot. That being the case nothing more to discuss.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:
Yeah you're only talking just to talk at this point. Your original point of dispute in this thread has been nullified through me educating you on the topic.

LOL, your 'nullification' depended on an invalidated pseudoscientific 'theory' created/regurgitated by a CAC. You can't educate me on the subject, son, while relying on poor sources and myths by the very same demographic you say can't be trusted with disseminating the truth.

The Sphinx isn't 10,000+ years old and Sumerian civilization owes NOTHING to Egypt or Ethiopia.​


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
LOL, your 'nullification' depended on an invalidated pseudoscientific 'theory' created by a CAC.​
No actually the ancient Kemites themselves said that their civilization dates back to at least 25,000 years ago. Also Graham is perhaps the most prevalent researcher on that topic given his exposure, but he is certainly not the only nor the first researcher to grasp this argument.Graham was one of the first to make a constellation argument to base it's age, which is what your sources were attacking. Again....the basic question that YOU cannot answer about the Sphinx is how did the Sphinx get water erosion, but none of the other monuments from the same period have that type of erosion damage?


Robert M. Schoch: Research Highlights
The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx of Egypt (at Giza)

Many people know me best for my work on the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. The Great Sphinx sits near the Great Pyramid on the western bank of the Nile, outside of modern Cairo. According to standard Egyptological thinking, the Great Sphinx was carved from the limestone bedrock on the orders of the Old Kingdom Pharaoh Khafre around 2500 BCE.

In 1990 I first traveled to Egypt with John Anthony West (for background information see Forgotten Civilization and Origins of the Sphinx), with the sole purpose of examining the Great Sphinx from a geological perspective. I assumed that the Egyptologists were correct in their dating, but soon I discovered that the geological evidence was not compatible with what the Egyptologists were saying. On the body of the Sphinx, and on the walls of the Sphinx Enclosure (the pit or hollow remaining after the Sphinx’s body was carved from the bedrock), I found heavy erosional features that I concluded could only have been caused by rainfall and water runoff. The thing is, the Sphinx sits on the edge of the Sahara Desert and the region has been quite arid for the last 5000 years. Furthermore, various structures securely dated to the Old Kingdom show only erosion that was caused by wind and sand (very distinct from the water erosion). To make a long story short, I came to the conclusion that the oldest portions of the Great Sphinx, what I refer to as the core-body, must date back to an earlier period (at least 5000 BCE, and my latest research now points to the end of the last ice age, circa 10,000 BCE), a time when the climate was very different and included more rain.

You can't educate me on the subject, son.

The Sphinx isn't 10,000+ years old
Dude your "smart nikka card" was pulled when you tried to argue that the initial Out of Africa movements (which you dated incorrectly) had something to do with the foundation of Mesopotamian civilization. You do not even understand the relevance of AMH to this entire discussion. You are a dunce who tried to step out of your league, and got trampled on every single one of your initial points, so you had to hold on to a logical fallacy about surrounding one of my sources for something that is not even the crux of my argument. Weak sauce is all that you are. Go back to playground kid you're not in this high league of intelligence when it comes to these topics.