He was adamantly against chattel slavery, I have to check back about the indigenous populations claim though.Yes do read Marx, read his personal letters to engels that detail how both thought about blacks.
Read Das Kapital and notice how they champion the spread of white supremacy against indiginous populations .
This.I don't think Communism has ever been applied. Countries claim communism. Doesn't mean that's what they're actually practicing.
This article continues to equate failed bureaucracy and corruption with Marx and Engles' writings, which reads as slander at best and outright lying at worst.
I do certainly agree that the preference fo revolution over gradual shift is the biggest issue, but that's largely due to the inherent stability of the countries that attempt "communist" or "worker's revolutions." I actually agree with Eduard Bernstein's criticisms of Marx

A gradual shift toward socialistic policy is the best way for it to be done otherwise a country will face outright undermining of it's institutions, or the strong possibility of the state coming under the control of a miitary junta, a nationalist or populist authoritarian or the institutions of the state falling into outright chaos.
White people slaughtered Black communists, toppled their regimes, undermined their government progress, etc.white people love "black communists"
Remember what they did Sankara? What they did to Fred Hampton?