in this latest episode of 1000 ways to die or get murdered in Montana while living on stolen land cursed by Native Americans - fast forward 2 months later they all survive the coordinated shooting and bombing rampage. RIP and Beth illegally adopt a 14 year old juvenile delinquent whose father is brain died in the hospital from a heron overdose; . Crazy shooting revenge scene with Kasey, KaseyK ups his dead body count score to 2,000; the Livestock cops v Montana militia, Beth’s crack pipe cigarettes make another special appearance, her back is burned from the bombing… literally, another Schwartz &Meyer innocent gets killed- minced into cow meat and no one cares. Hazard of the job, or perk of the job depending on perspective, I guess. Tate kills an intruder to protect his mother. Montana Elon Musk gets snaked, Bunkhouse gives out to beats to their shooters. Godfather Dutton learns an important lesson about the power of bullet resistant cell phones and having an emergency helicopter on speed dial.
For some reason, this show has a Disneyesque obsession with killing off parents (mother, father or both)- and filming brutally long extended scenes of children crying about it. Belligerent white drunk gets horse dragged by the Native American Chief Rainwater’s muscle for setting up the murder plot as the middleman.
Unneeded filler material: Dumbass Jimmeminem falls off a horse again after letting the Barrel Girl talk simpleton into rodeoing which ends as expected, adding insult to back injury gets kicked off Yellowstone gang- RIP and Kevin Costner tells Em they ain’t squad no more. Dr. Spock, Esq aka Jamie is 45 years old and still living his 4th childhood like an emo teen after finding his bio father