slowly fading
You know it's over when 100 years old Jimmy Carter and a 104 year old black woman who was born during the Tulsa Massacre are voting and it's against you
Is anyone here voting for trump
Considering my house was built first and I like where I live no. I live in Missouri there’s trumpers everywhere. Even when we lived in the hood there were trumpers. Should I also disown my brother? He’s a trumper too
I'm not voting for Trump, for the billionth time.Jimmy Carter is a lifelong democrat
@Big Boda
All the other Tariq acolytes
Old people vote more than young people unfortunately
they done got this white bytch look like she from nyc at a random cracker barrel talking to two old retired sheriffs trying to sound like emma stone in the Help.. these two aint voting for shyt. they will be in the park playing chess on election day
I’m not disowning my brother because he’s an idiot. he also has never voted a day in his life. Also I haven’t seen one trump sign in my subdivision. I live in an upper middle class subdivision, nobody in their right mind would put up a trump sign in their yard and we live in a conservative county.u should. I would disown mine.
I have a friend I known over 30 years and we are falling out over this very topic cuz he got MAGA on the brain.
in my neighborhood, no one would ever put out a trump sign. if I seen one in someone's front yard out here, I'd probably kick it down
Yeah. I'm kind of offended by this Indian cosplaying as a black woman. Plus I don't like paying more taxes to a corrupt govt.
Yeah. I'm kind of offended by this Indian cosplaying as a black woman. Plus I don't like paying more taxes to a corrupt govt.