man why in the world are you going to wife up a chick with a baby by a thug?
negro likely to not be paying child support, but he's still coming through, taking the kid, smashing her, and then leaving you with the role of daddy and provider. Plus, you're pretty much a second choice negro in her life. She wasn't messing with 'your kind' back then because you wasn't thuggish ruggish, gangsta-d out enough, but now that her life is in shambles, it's what's up. If you cool with being a back-up plan, it might work out, but I ain't with that.
negro likely to not be paying child support, but he's still coming through, taking the kid, smashing her, and then leaving you with the role of daddy and provider. Plus, you're pretty much a second choice negro in her life. She wasn't messing with 'your kind' back then because you wasn't thuggish ruggish, gangsta-d out enough, but now that her life is in shambles, it's what's up. If you cool with being a back-up plan, it might work out, but I ain't with that.