Dapped OP, but had to undap when I read this. No one can argue with this pointnikkaz still arguing over sports teams, rappers, clothing, cars, etc. but videogames is where the line is drawn![]()
Dapped OP, but had to undap when I read this. No one can argue with this pointnikkaz still arguing over sports teams, rappers, clothing, cars, etc. but videogames is where the line is drawn![]()
Fanboys are the worst. nikkaz be 40 with kids threatening other men over the internet over video games
This Bahavior Is Especially Prevalent within the youtube crumside gaming community
Meanwhile I'm over here chillin and just playing games no matter what the platform. brahs gotta ask themselves is it really that serious? :SnowWhat:
U like that shyt tho![]()
I feel yaI won't Lie Watching People Go At Each Other In Dramatic Fashion is some what entertaining to watch :everblk:
But I personally would never take part in it
At Least Not To That Level Nothing Wrong with having discussion or a debate but it gets sad when dudes is ready to unleash the draco cause you started analyzing Game Sales & Statistics![]()
I feel ya
Butwat set u claim
On the subject of choosing a video game.....my five cents....
Personally, I think the Nintendo is a piece of right wing garbage akin to the
IBM PC. Slow, out of date, but heavily marketed so that mindless dweenies will
think it's the hottest thing since Zelda had her first period. I have yet TO
OLD ATARI 800 SEVEN YEARS AGO.....Yes, there are some nice games, but they do
not do anything extraordinary and in fact clearly show the glaring limitations
of the thing's inferior pre-VLSI hardware.
On the subject of the Sega Genesis and the Turbografix 16. At least these guys
are using hardware invented after the Apple II, give 'em credit! The graphics
in these games are NICE! I really can't give a decent opinion as to which is
better, they're both fantastic!
But now I get to stand on my soapbox and have some fun. Correct me if I am
wrong, but isn't the Atari 7800 superior hardware wise to the NES? I heard
thing could manipulate 64 BIG sprites at once. It was developed right when
the slump hit the videogame industry, and two fantastic and innovative games
Rescue at fractalus and Ballblazer NEVER got the recognition they deserved.
I have yet to see ANYTHING on the NES half as good as these wondrous
creations from Lucasfilm. All I ever see are variations on the horizontal/
vertical scrolling find the magic trinket and or blow it up while a host of
randomly drawn stick figures get in your way theme. I'd rather pay 25 cents
in an arcade and at least get decent graphics and sound.
Um..... I think you are missing a small (yeah right) point about the Nintento
Games... THERE FUN!!!! Gee, now isn't that a novel concept, a bunch of video
games that are fun to play. In my house we have Sega Master System, Genesis
and NES. Take a guess which gets played the most? Come on guess. Give up?
The NES. Why becaue it has such FUN games as Zelda, Link, Metroid, SMB2, Metal
Gear, Fester's Quest, Double Dragon, et. al. The only thing my brothers (who
are 9 and 13) use the Genesis for (Sega Master system now sits in a closet.)
is Sports games. That's because good sports games look better on a system with
awesome graphics. My brothers still play sports games on NES too. The NES has
something that the ATARI 2600 used to beat the superior Intellivision:
playabilty. I can still give you a list of ATARI 2600 games that I would not
mind playing today, most of them were made by Activision, but there are still
some atari classics. To make a long story short (Too late :-) great hardware
does not a great system make. This is both true for PC's and Video Gaming
systems. I still prefer PC's over Macs, and NES over Genesis. As a closeing
Are they going under like Mattel, Coleco, and Atari?? I see their
games for $9-$25. Very few are over $35 anymore. I can't believe that
new games like Skate or die 2 are only $18 at Electronic Boutique.
Also, everyone says they saw that Nintendo was coming out with the
16 bit Super Famcom in January. A video dealer here says it was in a trade
magazine. If this is even close to being true, why does Nintendo deny
any plans of a U.S.A. version? It seems that they would ad to the rumor so
prospective 16 bitters will not buy a Genesis but instead wait for the
SF. I say the hell with Nintendo, Genesis here I come
Gonna be the year of the neg if you dont watch your tone boy.I'm catching up on threads and feel like breh off Jumanji
You guys are still doing this? Why???!?
nikkas still talkin bout sales and shyt.
shyt was cute years ago when most of us were probably in our early to mid 20's. Some of yall too old for this shyt now tho.
This.nikkaz still arguing over sports teams, rappers, clothing, cars, etc. but videogames is where the line is drawn![]()
You know who roots for more than one team tho?I'm a Laker fan and Im from Detroit
So 2004 was win-win for me
So yea u can root for more than one team breh