He's very over but he's not a draw. That's the thing. There have been alot of names like that over the years..Punk has just been really good on the mic since 09.
austin knows there's bigger money match ups to be made with others.
austin/cena, austin/brock, shyt austin/hogan.
casual viewer aint checking to see cm punk go against austin in his return.
He's very over but he's not a draw. That's the thing. There have been alot of names like that over the years..Punk has just been really good on the mic since 09.
He's never talked about a match against Cena. He turned down Hogan. And I highly doubt he's willing to risk his well being against Brock unless Cokeboy offers him like 5 million
He's said multiple times that Punk is the only guy he would be willing to come back against. He just wants Punk to be ruthless because that's were Austin excels at.
Casual viewers are gonna buy Wrestlemania because it's Wrestlemania. They are guaranteed at least 800,000 buyers just off that. Austin returning after all these years and having the feud he wants to have it's gonna do 1-1.1 million EASILY.
Punk is not a big star at all, but he's been 1B to Cena's 1a for 2 years now. He's SOMEBODY to casual fans. It's like you guys think people see him as Jack Swagger or something. A match vs Austin will bring tons of money, I can't believe people doubt that.
These losses to Rock don't hurt Punk. Rock, Hogan, Austin, Taker losses don't hurt anybody really because of who they are.
Austin, more than most, probably is less worried about money matches. He doesn't want to have a shytty performance & he wants to be able to come out of any match without getting hurt again. Him & Hogan is the ultimate money match but Hogan can't do much & that would probably result in a garbage match. Brock is a safety issue. I just don't think him & Cena would work well in the build up. I don't want to see him & Rock try to have another match because Rock isn't in ring shape & whoever it is has to do the heavy lifting.
the problem with hogan was no one is willing to do the job. and austin can't trust hogan on any of his word.
cena and austin would be the biggest $$$ match up, you guys must be on something if you don't think it'd work. it's new generation vs the old generation.
Cena & Austin would be a money match. The build up would be shyt though. Any feud Austin comes back for is gonna be money but like I said, I don't think that is the most important part to Austin at this point. He doesn't want to come back to be embarrassed & have the last match he has be looked at as shyt.
I think he would rather work with Punk than Cena just because of Punk's promo ability. Austin would be intense & serious every week & so would Punk. Without a change in character Cena would be cracking stupid ass jokes like he did with Rock.
i think you guys are giving punk way too much credit when it comes to promos and short selling cena's promo ability
ring wise? of course punk is the better match, but any austin match is gonna be a brawl anyway at this point
link me the proof to this, because this is a lie.
cena and austin would be the biggest $$$ match up, you guys must be on something if you don't think it'd work. it's new generation vs the old generation.
These losses to Rock don't hurt Punk. Rock, Hogan, Austin, Taker losses don't hurt anybody really because of who they are.
Austin, more than most, probably is less worried about money matches. He doesn't want to have a shytty performance & he wants to be able to come out of any match without getting hurt again. Him & Hogan is the ultimate money match but Hogan can't do much & that would probably result in a garbage match. Brock is a safety issue. I just don't think him & Cena would work well in the build up. I don't want to see him & Rock try to have another match because Rock isn't in ring shape & whoever it is has to do the heavy lifting.
Gotta disagree. Imagine how much it would have helped for him to head into WM as champ on 400+ day reign and then drop it to say Ryback(for example)
Now his best case scenario is hoping taker comes back to wrestle him & he KNOWS he aint winning that
These losses to Rock don't hurt Punk. Rock, Hogan, Austin, Taker losses don't hurt anybody really because of who they are.
Austin, more than most, probably is less worried about money matches. He doesn't want to have a shytty performance & he wants to be able to come out of any match without getting hurt again. Him & Hogan is the ultimate money match but Hogan can't do much & that would probably result in a garbage match. Brock is a safety issue. I just don't think him & Cena would work well in the build up. I don't want to see him & Rock try to have another match because Rock isn't in ring shape & whoever it is has to do the heavy lifting.
So people saying he Austin wont work with Punk because he looks inferior? Did yall forget the short program he had with Santino?