Wine gives me the worst headaches the next day
You gotta drink good white wines , organic even , wins in 2020 is PIFF I have wine rack at the cribWines the best... fukk beer, too many bubbles
And ain't doin no vodka sodas or whiskey and cokes. Too much bubbles too.
Seriously, the best way to drink is wine. Goes with food well, don't need to drink a lot to get drunk, easier on the stomach
(I'm talking red wine.. white is very average and will give you headaches the next day if you hav even a tiiiiiny bit too much smhh)
Def a wine drinker. Getting into wine can help with networking in the right situations, plus the shxt tastes good. I keep 6 random bottles in the house at any point (it takes me weeks to go through them though)
My favorite white: Pinot Grigio
My favorite red: Cabernet Sauvignon
Wine is lower in calories than most hard liquors and it's easier for your body to process. And it can be less expense than most hard liquors as well.
It's good to keep some desert wines (Moscato, Porto, etc) in the house for when ladies come over. Most of the ones I deal with aren't trying to drink Hennessey and Ciroc.
For brehs looking for a good brand to start with I recommend Coppola. It's a good brand across multiple types of wines and won't cost you more than $25 a bottle.