That's a nice little set up angle, but 3 or 4 months down the line will this have been a good choice? NO. You really want Kofi in a suit, "it's YOUR fault, you fans turned on me", and using restholds?
Kofi is in a good spot for him right now. He's over enough to where he could face a top heel in a program on a couple PPVs and be very over as a face, if they have a big heel for him to face. Going back to TrueEpics thread in the last week, their problem is heels right now, if they had a few hot ones in WWE right now Kofi would be capable of having a good program with them.
He's fine being an over midcard babyface, not everyone needs to be a champ. Right now they're overloaded with top babyfaces too, with Punk coming back and bryan on his way. What Kofi really needs is what the product as a whole needs badly; an interesting storyline/feud in the midcard.
Kofi is in a good spot for him right now. He's over enough to where he could face a top heel in a program on a couple PPVs and be very over as a face, if they have a big heel for him to face. Going back to TrueEpics thread in the last week, their problem is heels right now, if they had a few hot ones in WWE right now Kofi would be capable of having a good program with them.
He's fine being an over midcard babyface, not everyone needs to be a champ. Right now they're overloaded with top babyfaces too, with Punk coming back and bryan on his way. What Kofi really needs is what the product as a whole needs badly; an interesting storyline/feud in the midcard.