Y'all ever hit someone with your car ?


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
My friend couldnt drive for shyt, he had a 96 neon... mad fukking slow car... we were circling the block at night smoking a dutch blasting music... I remember this bytch came out the corner store and we were both so high we were looking at her and not the road... This dude was only doing like 7-10mph but he's turning right, around the block while he's looking right behind his shoulder and BOOM ... we look up and two thots crossing the street caught a bad one and were rolling off our windshield. Dog I fukking died, we got out that bytch quick as fukk.

big bun

May 28, 2012
Never hit anybody, but I definitely thought I killed somebody before. I was in a hurry for no particular reason one night and ran a read light turning left in a big ass intersection. I sped up to catch the light and was turning wild ass hell when I caught a glimpse of some dude on a ten speed with a dull ass night light on it crossing the intersection. I was like OH SHYT!!! :damn::damn: and swerved and at the same time he was probably like OH SHYT!!! :damn::damn: (I couldn’t see his face because it was so dark) and he flipped over his handle bars and clear over the hood of my car. I panicked like a bytch because I thought I actually hit the dude. I turned into this parking lot, hit this alley and turned the car off. I got out, walked slowly to down the alley and peaked around the corner to see if I actually hit him. I just saw that dull ass light on the ten speed shining and not moving and dude laid out in the middle of the intersection. I was like :sadbron:. Fukked up part was nobody was helping dude. Cars were swerving past him, honking at him and shyt. Finally, somebody got out to check on him. They helped him up and helped him get his bike across the street. I saw that, ran back up the alley and got the fukk up outta there taking the back way home and praying to God no one saw me. Took me like a week to feel comfortable going that way again.


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
Last week, I was driving this beater car I found on the side of the highway. I was going through this little residential neighborhood and the engine started sputtering. The shyt went out and as I was trying to start it back up, this little old lady at a house across the street asked if i was alright. I said yeah and she offered to pull her car out into the road so I could jump mine. I had to push my car over to hers though and when I was pushing it, this thick-ass asian bytch came outside with the breasteses just out there brehs. Breasteses looked like two prime charles barkely heads that both got shot once with a paintball peekin out. Of course i was hypnotized and i lost control of my car and it rolled towards the old lady car before i could stop it and the shyt collided. she started screaming and i just ran off, dipped through a squash-field, don't know what happened. this was maybe six days ago by now.