No, that's just stupid and waste $$$ when you already have a game. Why buy another same game, that's just stupid.
No, that's just stupid and waste $$$ when you already have a game. Why buy another same game, that's just stupid.
my “justification” for it is when I game sometimes I try to just stick to one platform at a time…so if I’m gaming heavily on the PS5 at the time or xbox or switch and I get an urge to replay a game then I’ll buy it on the platform I’m gaming on…case in point, I was gaming heavily on the PS5 the last few months but I jumped on xbox to play starfield…I do want to replay cyberpunk and the new DLC (which I own on xbox) but I really want to jump back to gaming on the PS5 after I’m done with starfield…first world problems…but yeah ngl ultimately it’s a waste of money tho…what I’ve been doing tho the last few months is going back to making playstation my primary console and using the xbox and switch for exclusives…last gen I did it the other way around with xbox being my main console and PS4/switch being used for exclusives
That's your money to waste, who am I to tell you. Do what you want with your money. To me, why would I waste my $$$ to buy the same game when I already have it cause I'd rather use my $$$ to buy a different game, not the same game.
ultimately idc…just putting it out there for discussion
GTAV - PS3 PS4 PS5 Steam
I own the Wolfenstien Machine games series on GoG except youngblood and cyberpilot . But the whole series is on sale on and on Steam deck
And I haven't finished New Blood yet. ( I beat Old Blood.) Ya'll think I should get it on steam?
@Leasy @Gizmo_Duck @MeachTheMonster @The Mad Titan
Broke boy talkNope.
I own that game on the 360 and PS4. Although it was out of necessity. My 360 version was delisted so I couldn't download it back to the Xbox One.Scott pilgrim Vs the world
I own multiple copies of some switch games as I have a docked switch and a travel switch
Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City. Xbox 360 and PS4. If WB release Origins again I'll cop that.
I own that game on the 360 and PS4. Although it was out of necessity. My 360 version was delisted so I couldn't download it back to the Xbox One.
All hail the digital future.